

Responses from ivan_nosnibor

Has Radicalizing the Rig Led to Revolutionized Listening?
I’m 60, and indeed for a few years there as my system-building phase neared completion about 5 years ago, I too shifted more and more toward the acoustic. But, about a year ago, I sorta rediscovered my rock roots all over again (this time with the... 
High Performance Audio - The End?
@jjss49 I think I might buy all that. However nicely presented or laid out at corporate level it looks, by the time you get down to street level it's generally more of ceaseless knife fight, everybody looking for their advantage. But, that's capit... 
High Performance Audio - The End?
Coming to expect (pursue) "high resolution" first above other considerations, only to discover that it reveals other flaws in the system has nothing to do with the high end and, in and of itself, can only represent intermediate levels of system bu... 
"Bridge Over Trouble Water" sounds artificial
...exactly. The same recording on different systems can have a different impact on a listener as to it’s inherent quality. Is there really no such thing as ’relative recording quality’...I don’t actually know. I just know that as a group, we audio... 
Sam here and this goes much deeper than i ever thought.
Sam here and this goes much deeper than i ever thought.
Ok, but if you insist on having minds blown by it, then consider this:Wifi is a way of sending power (watts) over a given distance through the air, right? And this power is transmitted in the form of microwaves. Let’s look at a hypothetical. Let’s... 
Sam here and this goes much deeper than i ever thought.
@uberwaltz, ......we're all in for it, aren't we! 
"Bridge Over Trouble Water" sounds artificial
Would also like to add: remember that exactly where, and in what order, your recordings will ultimately land is overwhelmingly determined by the quality of your setup.For the longest time, I believe it was J Gordon Holt, who went around proclaimin... 
"Bridge Over Trouble Water" sounds artificial
@aeshcwartz I'd say, it has nothing to do with the recordings. Your result is just reflective of the current (true) state of your playback system in your room...even if the upgrade results, in some way, in an apparent step backward or down in list... 
Sam here and this goes much deeper than i ever thought.
A  Farady cage just wouldn't work in any case, sure it blocks noise from outside the room (or house, if you're so determined), but it traps those nasties that originate from within the room, and keeps them inside the room itself. Most of the time ... 
Sam here and this goes much deeper than i ever thought.
@ Sam, your conclusions may be a little premature, but you’re essentially on the right track. And there actually are "dangerous" amounts of EMR, 5G, WIFI and other things in the ordinary home. In a sense it’s actually worse and more involved than ... 
Oldest Recordings that sound “audiophile”
@cd318, Thanks for your post and the history info. I’d have to agree with you, those 3 years were maybe the most crucial for rapid changes in audio - some bridges crossed and some others burned, if you will. I enjoyed your synopsis, I like learnin... 
Should a reference speaker be neutral, or just great sounding?
In terms of room design, neutral sound is the hardest (most expensive) to attain. Alternatively you can go for the "live/detailed" sound or the "warm/organic" sound with much less trouble.But, AFA speakers go and AFA I'm concerned, neutrality has ... 
Is imaging reality?
Some systems are better (more 'accurate' in a strictly subjective sense) than others at imaging, whether that's the gear itself or how well dialed into the room it is, or both, or neither. On the same track, three systems might reveal the bass pla... 
Oldest Recordings that sound “audiophile”
This is just a FWIW follow up on my post above, but the CD version of The Ghost And Mrs. Muir I have is Varese Sarabande - VSD 5850 and The Captain From Castile is the one from the Screen Archives Entertainment label. For The Ghost And Mrs. Muir, ...