

Responses from ivan_nosnibor

amp hiss impact on speakers
this is more a case of carbon build up 
3D Printed records??? Apparently it's happening... Check dis out, vinyl fans...!
I thought Steve handled that one great, I didn't catch on till near the end.There's usually something audio related every year...although seems like last year's slipped my mind bc I looked around for something to link to, but nothing caught my eye... 
3D Printed records??? Apparently it's happening... Check dis out, vinyl fans...!
3D Printed records??? Apparently it's happening... Check dis out, vinyl fans...!
At least they're not warped... 
Is Auto Room Correction Right For You? Well, Here You Go...
But then, that's just my own philosophy: "man is the measure of all things" since music is so basically experiential.  But, if you want to place your faith instead in a microphone and an algorithm then be my guest. But, again, from the videos, it ... 
Is Auto Room Correction Right For You? Well, Here You Go...
And if that's the case, then are you saying it's never ok to listen to music? The brain being too unreliable then? Is it too late for me to get my money back on my CD's? ;) 
Is Auto Room Correction Right For You? Well, Here You Go...
"No, our ears and brain tend to change with our mood"No kidding. I'd say that's why adjustments are done over several sittings, preferably spaced a few days apart...when using the manual method, the optimization is happening over Time (days), not ... 
Is Auto Room Correction Right For You? Well, Here You Go...
@heaudio123, I say I do that ’manually’, but what I mean to say is that I don’t rely on auto - I can still employ a measurement mike (Omnimic 2.0), if I need to tackle a specific problem. But, as I say is pointed out in the videos - it’s still a m... 
Is Auto Room Correction Right For You? Well, Here You Go...
I've only used the old Behringer DEQ2496 system, which early on was rather crude, and only had any success above like 200 Hz or so...took a helluva long time for me to figure out I needed to try something else... Since there wasn't anything afford... 
Is Auto Room Correction Right For You? Well, Here You Go...
I'm pretty much that way too... 
Bob Dylan - "Murder Most Foul"
Yes indeed... 
Bob Dylan - "Murder Most Foul"
Yes, the lines are exceptional. Their endless layerings seem, in total, as impenetrable as the multitudes of conspiracy theories themselves...a touchstone work of art for a touchstone national trauma. Can think of no finer contribution to the shar... 
It appears I am in need of an EQ
EQ might be better bass to you, but I don't know if your wife would really think so. EQ basically makes for only slightly deeper bass, but what I would think she might really be looking for is not that, but some git up and go, particularly as volu... 
" The Gods Themselves" in cd format.
@grey9hound , thanks for that - I scoped them out, too. They’re a killer band alright...just scored all 3 discs myself! Thanks to Frank, too!...bandcamp to the rescue. Have found some interesting stuff there... 
what's your opinion on the magazine 'stereo review'??
For a few years before, I had wanted to begin learning about stereos (I hadn't bought anything toward my first system yet), but didn't know where to begin. I was 12 years old when I picked my first copy. I felt a little confused looking through it...