Responses from ivan_nosnibor
Most beautiful turntable under $5k Fender (of all companies) is coming out with their first turntable in many years (and yes, they got their start with turntables before switching to musical instruments decades ago). It’s actually a project in conjunction with MoFi, drawing on the... | |
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to? Agree with @pesky_wabbit "generally, whatever is at hand, they tend to have an ability to hear through the shortcomings of very ordinary systems explain nuances in performances that most people would fail to detect" I’m pretty sure most comm... | |
Masimo Acquires Sound United - Are Denon, Classe, Polk, B&W, Marantz, going to fade away?? But their total R&D money will be cut, rather drastically. If these companies are forced to choose which end of the product market it will go toward, don't you think their other offerings will take a hit?? | |
AKM makes the best DACs I bought a DAC in late 2020 that debuted back in 2010 with an AKM DAC chip. Better than anything else overall that I’ve heard. So much so that I’ve since unhesitatingly retired all thoughts of ever looking for anything that sounds better...my own,... | |
Playing CDs sounds better than Qobuz — dammit I think the number one problem with satellite streaming is not really the gear (although that can be undeniably a big part of it as well) but it’s the process. The only potential fatal flaw I see there is hoping for the best when you’re trying to ... | |
RIP oregonpapa Awe man, regret his passing here. I believe we'll all miss his contribution to this forum in his spirit, knowledge and demeanor. | |
Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker? Certainly it makes for better sound staging and imaging. ...however, there are varying degrees of what the industry describes, for example, as "time alignment" out there. It can sometimes strike me as more of just a marketing thing...as though ei... | |
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill? There seem to be 2 different levels of system building. The first is the "simplest" kind (not being dismissive). It consists of merrily going along and attempting to "cobble together" some perhaps disparate pieces into a functioning whole that res... | |
Spring-Loaded Screw Turns Drywall Into Sound-Absorbing Panels I think I saw where they spec'd, for "steel studs", 1 per 8" on stud and every 12" "in the field" (...!) How's that for affordability. | |
Just what percentage of digital artifacts removed I’m not sure that the "digital" sound these days that people have said they object to is necessarily due to purely digital shortcomings. I think the Nyquist theorem, et al, has proven itself at least fairly well since the CD player’s inception. I ... | |
A full range speaker? @mijosytn, Yes, the fs is 18.4 Hz. Acoustic Elegance is something of a ’Rolls Royce" brand of woofers for many different apps actually (sealed, IB, OB, etc) b/c John, up there in Michigan, takes the time to personally tune the design of each woofe... | |
Spring-Loaded Screw Turns Drywall Into Sound-Absorbing Panels Huh. Looks at best like it remains to be seen. Nobody has any hard info yet on what proper installation would actually look like.Maybe resilient channel might turn out to be more effective sound-wise anyway. Will have to wait and see. | |
Spring-Loaded Screw Turns Drywall Into Sound-Absorbing Panels Very interesting, thanks for the heads up! Looks as though it hasn’t entered the market just yet, but I wouldn’t think that would be too far off. Boy, could I use something like this, otherwise I’d have to think about plywood paneling...the cost o... | |
A full range speaker? I’m getting around the ’crappy sounding sub’ problem by going infinite baffle bass (a pair of Acoustic Elegance HTIB 18" woofers) in a somewhat custom built room, the construction of which is on hold due to building prices for now. But, I’m really... | |
What DAC upgrade made you say “DAMN, that sounds SO MUCH better than my last DAC”? http://www.superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/burl-b2-bomber-dac-review-holy-sh-this-is-good.9575/ (This link works better). This is from a headphone site, but includes discussion of sound quality |