
Responses from itzhak1969

Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
Seems to me like a sh***t company .it's a shame.  
Opening a can of worms
Sceientifics can not make valid tests with cables because there is no valid tests to check the human hearing ! how can they measure things like seperation between instruments, soundstage, details, brightness, refinement, transparency ... so on ???... 
bryston bcd-3 vs cambridge 851c
Musical Fidelity A5,Adcom gcd-750 and Cambridge 840c are old models I wouldn’t buy them. you have to consider new models as the 2 ones you suggested because at the last 3 years there is huge improvement at the internal dac and servers inside the C... 
Opening a can of worms
cables is the most controversial issue in the audiophile world every time when there is a discussion on this subject the winds are burning... 😉 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
For me the design is not relevant at all I am looking for sound not for a furniture. I will not hesitate to buy an ugly design speaker if it sounds right to me . 
bryston bcd-3 vs cambridge 851c
It’s hard to advise you because the Bryston bcd-3 is slightly better as standalone cd player but on the other hand the Cambridge 851c can be better match to your system because you already have Cambridge amp & pre and this cd can function as i... 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
I agree with char2 although in my case the CXC was great from the beginning I guess in general it needs about 50 hours to break-in as some reports I read at other forums  , further more maybe there is a need to upgrade  your coax cable to allow be... 
Should I buy a new cd player or DAC or both or neither?
The Cambridge Audio 851C is excellent CD player and DAC all in one solution.Or you can do what I did buy the Cambridge Audio CXC and excellent cd transport less than $500 and invest most of your budget on more serious dac such as the McIntosh d150... 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
I don’t think the impedance is the problem here.CXC specifications mention that the impedance is around 75 ohms but not beyound that ,I know it's strange to quote it this way but the bottom line is that the impedance is actually 75 ohms. 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
I had the Rotel RCD-1570 before which cost twice the CXC , It wasn’t a bad CD player but when I bought the Mcintosh DAC I felt that as a pure transport it degraded the sound severely .In the future maybe I will upgrade the CXC to the CEC TL5 . 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
Synergy between components is very important maybe the CXC and the Gungy are not a good match .The CXC ia a pure transport so its sound is very neutral this allows the DAC to determine the sound signature . I achieved  big improvement with the CXC... 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
What cable you are using now ? 
Cable recommendation between Dac and Integrated amp
The Tellurium Q Black Waveform™ hf Digital RCA , amazing British brand innovative coax cable. 
Opening a can of worms
From my experience cables have the shortest break-in period usualy 10 to 50 hours are enough.Speakers need the longest break-in 500 hours at least. Dacs,power amps and pre amps do need substantial break in period as well but less than speakers. 
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
The roger-russell article is not relevant till science will be able to provide accurate tests for measuring: Brightness Seperation between instruments Quality of treble and bass Soundstage quality Level of detailsLevel of transparency Level of ref...