
Responses from itzhak1969

CEC TL5 Belt Drive CD Transport
Why you aren't using the CEC TL5 anymore?  
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
+1 @gpgr4blu Excatly always trust what you hear and not what others says, once I went to my dealer and we made an experience we took Tellurium interconnect cables and change their cables to the same system we started with their cheapest one to the... 
Please Recommend Transport + DAC for $5K total
From my experience CDP /blu ray player can not be good as transport its build-in inner DAC is not allowing a puer data transmission to external DAC it’s better to use digital player or a dedicated cd transport with no inner DAC , I bought the Camb... 
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
Cables do make difference !Good cables is not design to improve the sound but to enable the system to fulfill its full potential .Bad cable might severly degrade the sound of a good system however  good cable will not improve the sound of a bad sy... 
Interconnect Cables
Look at Tellurium Q cables too. 
Speakers are the first piece of the puzzle
Everything is important cables, sources, amplification and speakers, however After many years I discovered that amplification is the most important part at the hi-fi chain .if you have good and powerful amplification it can make miracles even with... 
B&W CM6 towers with a Sonus Faber center??
You will not improve anything by adding center speaker, Yamaha and B&W both have bright sound in general, and adding center may improve a little the TV audio but will be a disaster for music .My advice is to buy decent integrated hi fi amp (no... 
Digital coax cable, real world experiences?
My coax cable cost me $600 and it was one of the best investments in my system. the timing, transparency and agility are superb .once you try the hi-end handmade cables there is no going back anymore.  
Digital coax cable, real world experiences?
There should be correlation between level of your system to the cable,you really can’t expect good results when using stock cheap cables on high end expensive system it will degrade the sound severely ,and on the contrary there is no poit to buy e... 
Disappointed w/ Klipsch Heresy III. Now what?
Great step forward the next steps should be upgrading cable and DAC , I really don’t think you need a sub with the right changes you will not need it . 
Digital coax cable, real world experiences?
I am using the Tellurium Q Black Waveform™ hf Digital RCA coax cable superb timing and transparency the downside is that it's a very revealing cable  I had to upgrade my power amp and CD transport because they weren't at the same league as this ca... 
Digital coax cable, real world experiences?
Good cables will not ’fix’ lousy system.Lousy cables will degrade the sound severely of a good system. 
Digital coax cable, real world experiences?
It's a mistake to assume that good coax cable will 'improve' the sound .good digital cable like any cable you use will allow your system to fulfill it full potential if you have good system and you are using cheap stock cables they will degrade th... 
Proac Response D 48/Tannoy Kensington
Your room is medium size you shouldn’t have a problem to accommodate the D48R .to avoid bass boom you can place them about 3 ft forward .they are truly great speakers.prepare to a long term burn-in (about 500 listening hours ) they might not sound... 
Do I have to spend $4000 plus to get a better sounding speaker than GET model 7 ?
It's very hard giving you any advice without knowing your set up .Please give more information about your system so we can know if it will be able to drive the speakers you're considering to buy.