
Responses from inpepinnovations

Phono-pre: subsonic filter on or off ?
Marakanaetz, I read that article and find nothing nothing in it that proves your contention that low frequency sound causes the heart to burst from 'sympathetic' beating with the low frequency and therefore bursting. That some people are susceptib... 
Phono-pre: subsonic filter on or off ?
Marakanetz, and the normal heartbeat is closer to 1 beat per second ( mine is about 51 beats per minute, when I don't get upset over utter nonesense such as this).Although the literature does show that there are health issues associated with conti... 
Phono-pre: subsonic filter on or off ?
Actusreus, I guess its the engineer in me that prefers to use the correct terms to express ideas or concepts, notwithstanding KAB's incorrect use of the term SubSonic. KAB is probably using that term because they know that the 'layman' would not u... 
Phono-pre: subsonic filter on or off ?
Actusreus, you are missing my point. It is Marakanetz who is saying to use the term Subsonic (or at least that it is synonymous to Infrasonic) for the Rumble filter. I am saying that the proper term is Infrasonic. Note that KAB avoids either term ... 
Phono-pre: subsonic filter on or off ?
Marakanetz, Infra and Sub are NOT synonymous. neither are Ultra and Super.Ever heard of super violet? SUB-Sonic has always been used for the speed of an object being lower than the speed of sound and never for UNDER-AUDIABLE, whatever that is. If ... 
Phono-pre: subsonic filter on or off ?
Actually, subsonic means 'under the speed of sound'. The proper term is Infrasonic. We don't say sub-red for infra red do we?Also, Carver produced an infrasonic filter that automatically adjusted its cutoff properties to the low frequency content ... 
Explain Amp classes & how effects sound?
Yes Stanwal, I did mean the power amp - my dyslexia! Still, what was (is) meant by 'current-dumping'?salut, Bob P. 
Explain Amp classes & how effects sound?
What about class B. The Makamichi 620 was (is) a 'pure' class B amp, delivering 100 w/ch and sounds mighty good. I think that the Quad 44 is also a class B, albeit called a 'current dumping' design, whatever that is!Salut, Bob p. 
Best Aesthetic Vintage Black Receiver or Tuner
I still use the Nakamichi 630 Tuner-Pre-amp, Yogiboy, and I feel that it is the best looking tuner - I just love large tuning dials! The 630 and 430 are real sleeper tuners.Salut, Bob P. 
Best Fully Automatic TT
What about the obvious solution - a B&O 4002 or other B&O? 
What did you own in the 60's?
Thorens 150, Shure M44Dynaco PAS 3Dynaco 70Heath tube tunerSony R to RAR 4ax 
directional cables?
NsGarch and Simply_Q, I see that you have run into Herman's 'this is beyond your comprehension' explanation. Of course Herman is still working on the math that he told me to do, which, actually, does prove that there is no directionality for AC ca... 
Need help for choosing cartridge for Thorens TD125
Back in the days, I had a T-125 with a Stax arm and ran a stanton 681EEE. The SME 3009 arm mates very well with a 681EEE, also, and was a popular cartridge with that arm then.For the price (149$), there is no danger in trying. It might be all the ... 
cassette deck enthusitast pt 2....sleeper 2 header
The Nak 600 was probably the best 2-head player made. Bought ine in 1977 and it still meets spec., although I don't use it much, lately, as a recording system, that is. Use it regurlary as playback of superb (then) CBC radio offerings.Salut, Bob P. 
Isolation for a table for floors with movement
Artemus, that is not the real reason why some 'pooh-pooh' that solution. Nobody makes any money from that solution and one can't sell guy-wire for exorbitant audiophile prices, but then maybe one could.....? And of course, there would be the debat...