Explain Amp classes & how effects sound?

I see class A, B, AB, Class T, etc on amplifier specifications. Can someone explain (simple terms) how each class (even class T) effects sound quality?
On a person note if I was looking for a power amp. I would look van a SS class A/B amp with a high biased Class A. So that normally you would play in pure class A but when you need lots of power for a second or two it would switch. So a 250watt amp with first 50watt or so in pure class A. Don't know if such a thing does exist.
Inpepinnovations, the Quad 44 is a preamp, I think you meant the 405. Use to sell both in my Quad dealer days.
Yes Stanwal, I did mean the power amp - my dyslexia! Still, what was (is) meant by 'current-dumping'?

salut, Bob P.
Mordante, according to the manufacturer, the Threshold S/500 series of amps fit that criterion.
Mordante, the Monarchy SE-250 meets your requirements. 250 Watts into 8, 500 into 4, biased Class A to about 50 Watts. It also uses a 6922/6DJ8 or 12AT7 tube frontend, has NO negative FB whatever, and uses MOSFET output transistors. I've had its 'little' brother, the SE-160, for several weeks; it sounds VERY good.
