
Responses from inna

LAMM M1.2 - Feedback - Advice - Please - anyone heard these?
This looks good. 
The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound
Another element is that even those of us with really good hearing do not hear live performance exactly the same, though it should be close.So, one will prefer these speakers and another - those. But it should not be far apart. I think, Frog prefer... 
Jazz for aficionados
Somehow I thought that you would like it, Mary.Nagra/Kharma system. Quite good, I would say.. 
Technics 1200G phono recommendations
You don’t match phono stage to turntable, that is true if you think only literally and straightforwardly. In reality, you try to create a certain balance of the entire system, and in this sense you match everything to everything.You have an excell... 
LAMM M1.2 - Feedback - Advice - Please - anyone heard these?
Yeah, sometimes even when auditioning in your own system it might be difficult to choose because both can sound equally well but different. Ypsilon and Lamm might be this case, and it could be for me, theoretically thinking.Cables for Ypsilon/JM L... 
Jazz for aficionados
This is for Mary. 
The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound
Frog and I are on the same page.Biggest problem that I see is speakers. Do you want them to be 'neutral' transducers as much as possible or you also consider them 'instruments' as well ? Well, I would probably want to have two pairs of very differ... 
SQ vs. Music
Then let the excellent be spoiled ! 
The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound
Frog, how are you ?We always have an unamplified instrument with us - voice. If system doesn't reproduce voice reasonably well it is no good.Record your voice on tape and play it. Next step play an acoustic guitar, just strike a few accords, recor... 
Install Quality IEC input on Nak Dragon
Question is will it sound better ? 
DAC/w Volume control + Power amp or DAC + Integrated?
Some integrated amps have passive preamp section and some active. It is probably next to impossible to know which one, other things being about equal, will sound better. Maybe not better/worse but different. It might sound fuller with active pream... 
What makes speaker's sound big?
I wouldn't really. In fact, I advocate full range speakers without any subwoofers, but sometimes it is not practical in terms of cost, space, aesthetics.So yes, big speakers, big high current amps, big turntables, and the right cables. Then it wil... 
The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound
Picasso couldn't paint, ridiculous.One day absolute sound might become achievable. In the mean time, I will keep moving in that direction as much as I can."Pleasing sound" is a totally different approach. I am not interested in it but I do underst... 
What makes speaker's sound big?
Two subwoofers not one. Agree with mid-bass response point.Yeah, no substitute for how it should be, either speakers or cars or whatever. 
Spendor D9.2 vs. Harbeth super hl5 plus xd + REL Stentor III vs. Spendor Classic 100?
Maybe the OP would actually prefer ProAc to all of those ?..