
Responses from inna

Where to use Isolation devices
Re-tuning or, better, correct tuning is perfectly fine with me. What is correct? Well, I trust my ears, the ears that actually listen.One Kone and two corks? That's funny but why not if it sounds right? Somehow I doubt it though. 
Should the best systems sound almost identical?
They should but they don't. That means that they all are very far from the reality of the recorded musical event.And I don't really care if I like what's coming out of the speakers. And if by any chance this illusion actually sounds "better" than ... 
Where to use Isolation devices
I wouldn't call it an opinion but I always use three feet. It is stable and sounds better or the same as with four. One foot always goes under power supply or turntable motor if it is not totally separated. With cd player/transport or cassette dec... 
He plays in different styles. Nothing on vinyl as far as I know. 
Pre/Power or Integrated for Focal Utopia Scala?
I would try Gryphon, VAC and LAMM. 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Paco is great. His best albums with Camaron are 1974, 1975 and 1977(Castillo de Arena) releases. 
Most significant upgrade
If you beg for mercy she might not or at least do it in style. 
Most significant upgrade
Straightforward but usually polite enough. Sometimes oversized too; it happens. 
Most significant upgrade
Jimbojrjb, you know that I am right. Glad I could help. And I did it the way we do things in Texas. Not exactly French style, true. 
Denon DL-110 vs. Goldring 1042
If you go with the Goldring, buy it from the UK,, for much less. It should be an excellent match with your table. And if you go with Denon, go higher in line.Goldring 1042 MM is very coherent and dynamic, excellent bass. Not the ... 
Most significant upgrade
More creative...I'll try. You don't seem to want to upgrade either front end or speakers. Or amp, or cables.In a situation like that there is nothing that I could recommend. You could call my Audiolab integrated a toy too because it is though a pr... 
Most significant upgrade
Yes, a toy. As I suggested, try Nottingham or one of those German tables - Acoustic Signature, Acoustic Solid etc. and you will agree. Yes, of course, it'll cost some money.Well, at the very least you could upgrade to P7.Speaking financially, seri... 
Most significant upgrade
If you ask me I would get that Rega toy out of the system and bring Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm in. As for the cartridge, there are many choices, it depends. 
Anyone else really likes Shawn Lane?
Segovia plays classical and does it okay; Shawn Lane could play just about anything including classical as can John McLaughlin. And the best Spanish guitar I heard is Paco de Lucia. In fact, I would really like to hear McLaughlin/Lane duo with Jon... 
Must Hear Speakers in $10K range
Well, it appears that you will have to listen to speakers from just about every manufacturer. Was it the kind of advice that you sought?