
Responses from inna

Amps that can Rival A Levinson No. 332 around 3K?
Rowland and Pass are about finesse and harmonic balance not about boom boom boom. That's what I mean. 
Mystical Performances
Ingwie Malmsteen - Concerto Suite in E minor. With New Japan Phylarmonic. This is a great and unique thing. Normally, I don't listen to classical music. 
Amps that can Rival A Levinson No. 332 around 3K?
Forget about Rowland and Pass; they are not for the kind of music you prefer. They will play it while trying to spit it out at the same time. Stay with Levinson and you'll be fine. 
Speaker with most dynamic PUNCH?
If you want a real punch you will need a very dynamic and powerful amp too, not just speakers. And good cables. 
Where to use Isolation devices
You could experiment with something different under your maple platform, I mean cones or perhaps Mapleshade isoblocks. I certainly would. 
Hello Kurt tank.Thank you again.LAMM or VAC separates will very likely be part of my ultimate system, years from now. In the more near future I might try one or more of the integrateds from Rowland, VAC or Gryphon. Or perhaps older Rowland separat... 
Newbie looking for advice...
"keep my wife speaking to me". Well, depending on what you want to hear..Your room is very small and ambitions very high. As someone already said, it is going to be expensive though $6k is not so little money if you buy used. 
CartageRrecommendations, totally lost.
One voice in me says Lyra, another says Air Tight. I would try both. 
Turntable / arm upgrades - what will I hear?
This bigger, more powerful sound that you mention is, I believe, very much because of the turntable itself, not arm/cartridge, though they seriously contribute too of course. Really good table should sound that way even with modest but well-matche... 
I think, LAMM has all tube amp too, and I don't mean 18 watt/ch SET. Am I wrong?Thank you very much for your post. Somehow, while reading many threads here, I too came to the assumption that LAMM and VAC make the best real world high-powered amps.... 
Soundstage depth and width
Yeah, forget about big orchestras. They are too much even for a big concert hall in the first place let alone re-create that. 
Where to use Isolation devices
I wouldn't call the experimentation maddening, but it certainly takes time and patience. In my limited experience I never found stock feet to be good enough, just as stock power cords. But I don't own really expensive equipment so maybe at that le... 
Can I take American equipment to Europe?
There is a piece from Furman that converts both ways and stalilizes voltage too. Quite heavy and expensive but might be worth it. Saw it on ebay, I think it was $1000 for a demo unit, but can't be sure, it was a few moths ago. 
Should the best systems sound almost identical?
Don't know about Stradivari's violins but I heard many acoustic guitars, bad, good and great. All sounded different even if slightly so. But guitars made by masters usually do have particular sound signature, so they are recognized by those who kn... 
Should the best systems sound almost identical?
Agreed. Really good hearing is just that - good hearing. Preferances is another thing.Hell, I don't even know what the half of those instruments in a big orchestra are called. But when played live they sound, well, live; that's for sure.