

Responses from imhififan

Voltage conversion of Accuphase A-65 or A-70
@foolishman Thanks for posting photos of Accuphase A-80. To convert the mains supply voltage from 100V to 120V, my suggestion is power up the A-80 with 100V mains, Use an AC voltmeter to measure the voltage between the yellow/brown and red/bl... 
luxman R-1030
8V 0.3A https://www.hilberink.nl/luxman/r1030/luxmansmr1030.pdf Page 16 https://www.amazon.com/GF680-Volts-Current-0-3A-Miniature/dp/B007XKWCTW  
how to run three subs from one lfe jack
Rolls DA134 Line distribution amplifier SPECIFICATIONS The DA134 is a four channel RCA distribution amplifier with RCA and 1/8” inputs that can be switched from mono or stereo. The DA134 Distribution Amplifier will distribute a mono signal to eig... 
Magnavox 196 197 amplifier balance pot removal/bypass help please
If your device same as the schematic below, you can connect a 500k resistor to each channel to replace the balance pot. Magnavox 196 re-build  
Parasound HCA-1000A Modifications
I am assuming that TRV101 and TRV 201 are for setting the bias voltage. Yes. What is the other (TRV102 and TRV202) used? The pots for fine adjustment bias. https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/parasound-hca-1000a-bias-circuit  
Voltage conversion of Accuphase E-5000
@foolishman  Sorry, I have no experience with voltage conversion with the Accuphase C-47 and PS-1250 either. I'd love to know how to do that though! If you could provide some close-up pictures of both sides of the power supply board in your thre... 
Can an owner's manual and schematic be found for an Electron Kinetics eagle 7a power amp
The schematic https://www.diyaudio/threads/electron-kinetics-eagle-7a-amp-help. I hope you may find it useful.  
Image test
Reduced to 600x450      
Voltage conversion of Accuphase E-5000
@foolishman Thank you for the photo. I think the voltage conversion can be done in the PCB on the left, can you post an image of the front and back of that PCB?    
Modifying a Coincident Dynamo Mk1
https://ibb.co/R7YJVdg I can't tell from the picture above whether the two 47uF 400V capacitors are connected in parallel or in series. I could be wrong, but it looks like the two large 1000uF 315V capacitors are in series with a 100KΩ balanci... 
Voltage conversion of Accuphase E-5000
I have successfully converted the E-700 from 100v to 120v Great! You're most welcome, glad I could help. I turned the amplifier on with nearly 100VAC and confirmed 2kΩ works... Meanwhile, also I have started discussions about voltage conversi... 
Modifying a Coincident Dynamo Mk1
If I understand their voltage ratings add up and the uF rating in this case is only half of the first caps value, being 11uF correct? Two identical capacitors connected in series will double the voltage rating and halve the capacitance value. ... 
Power consuption of an amplifier
Some switching power supplies have a jumper on the printed circuit board between the rectifier and the filter capacitor. With the jumpers in place, the circuit will act as a voltage doubler, converting 110V to 220V. I'm not sure if the Micromega ... 
Voltage conversion of Accuphase E-5000
@foolishman Although U.S. mains voltage is rated at 120VAC ± 5%, in some cases household outlets may have voltages as low as 104VAC. My suggestion would be to power the amplifier with a variac set to 104VAC and see what the highest resistance in... 
Modifying a Coincident Dynamo Mk1