

Responses from imhififan

Music Reference RM-4 Input-Loading and Gain-Select plugs
@hjak  Thanks! This is the image form your system page:  
Phono Stage Amp
If your phono stage comes with balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA output, use the RCA connect to your Cary slp-05 might provide a better result. the Cary SLP 05 offers respectable measured performance from its unbalanced jacks. I was a little disap... 
Phono Stage Amp
with volume halfway up on the SLP-05 using an Audia Flight CD player the volume is very high and no distortion. So, when I say volume halfway it is to my knowledge of the system which doesn't help you much. But at halfway with the TT the volume i... 
Is it worth using an Anticable level 5 for a PHONO PREAMP? Overkill?
8 AWG is way overkill! What AWG used inside the wall? 🤔    
Music Reference RM-4 Input-Loading and Gain-Select plugs
@hjak  I am posting this to help anybody now who gets one of these units with no documentation. Great! it definitely help, thanks! I can’t seem to be able to upload an image of his note to my response. You can upload those image to your sy... 
Phono Stage Amp
I crank the volume up just past half way and there tends to be distortion. Below half way the sound is incredible. The records sound better than the corresponding CD or, of course, DAC streaming. We're missing some important info. What is the c... 
Can anyone identify this inductor?
If it only has 30 turns winding and two leads, It could be an C core inductor for woofer low pass filter, because of its extremely low resistance!  
Can anyone identify this inductor?
It is a transformer! Interesting! So what is the brand and model of the speaker? Can you post a picture of the crossover?  
DIY Turntable project
@thenightshade  Welcome to the forum! Regarding motor noise, I found this video quite interesting    
accuphase a36 vs p4500
the p4500 shows 90w output/145 max....but how much would be class a? The power consumption specs of P-4500 is 62 Watts @ idle, since class A efficiency is 50% or less, so it's safe to estimate its class A bias is less than 15 Watts per channel.... 
Need info on Pro-Ject anti-skate weight
Can someone possibly weigh their Project anti-skate weight in grams It weights 3.5 g, and it's available online: https://www.musicdirect.com/accessories/pro-ject-anti-skate-weight https://www.amazon.com/Anti-Skate-Weight-Pro-Ject-Turntables-1... 
Rotel A14
Let your ears be the judge.🙂  
Accuphase E600 voltage conversion
🥂 I'm glad to be of help🙂  
Accuphase E600 voltage conversion
@pip555 Thanks for the measurements, the readings confirm that brown and yellow are 100V windings, red and blue are 120V windings. You can go ahead to move the jumper wire J1 to J4, J3 to J5. That will change the voltage setting from 100V to 12... 
Accuphase E600 voltage conversion
@pip555 Thanks for posting those images, for 120V mains, I believe J1 should moves to J4, J3 moves to J5. And J2 remains in the same place. Before you move the jumper wires, please measure the following resistance and post the result to make s...