Responses from imhififan
Tonearm/cartridge weight considerations Read this link. | |
remote switchbox for TAD150 Add a remote controlled passive pre-amp ( i.e. Creek OHB-12 ) or receiver to your TAD-150 aux input. if you use a receiver, connect the tape-out to your tad-150. | |
Where may I purchase a 5Z4P tube? vacuumtubes.netHope this help. | |
Denon 3802 + 5ch.amp or Sunfire Ultmate Receiver I think the denon 4800 power amp section is better than the 3802, therefore I think the 4800 maybe a better match with the Jeff Rowland.I think the first Sony progressive scan player is 9000ES which is a very good player, you can connect both digi... | |
Denon 3802 + 5ch.amp or Sunfire Ultmate Receiver I have listen to both 3802 and 4800 and I found the 4800 is better, my present set-up is 4800 drive the EX channels and a sunfire 200Wx5 drive all other channels, the Denon 4800 sound good with the sunfire on 7ch stereo mode. If the 3802 does not ... | |
Denon 3802 + 5ch.amp or Sunfire Ultmate Receiver get a Denon 4800 and you can keep your amps. | |
Integrate 2-channel or go all 5 channel I think the OutLaw ICBM (Integrated Controlled Bass Manager)will help, and it can perform bass management for your dvd-A. it just $250 only. |