Single Sub Woofer for two separate systems?

Is it possible to use the same SW for an HT system and a separate audio system?

I was wondering if you can connect a single SW RCA cable to my HT and continue using the dual wire method for my separate audio set-up comprising of an Audio Research D90 amp and SP12 preamp? The SW supports both a single RCA input and dual speaker wire inputs.

Of course not having both systems on at the same time.

There are two outputs on the pre, one main and one tape but I don't believe the tape will work.

Not really concerned about using the splitter on the main out. If there is a sound degradation from previous set-ups, I don't notice.

Thanks, I may look into the switch.
A tape output is not the same as a main output. It does not go thru the bal or vol controls.
The Niles SAS-1 switcher will do the job, you can use one pair speaker with one sub for Ht and 2channel system.
You're welcome Jamesk58, few years ago I been using SP-6C with D90 for 2 channel and Denon with Sunfire Amp for HT, a speaker switcher on single pair Thiel CS1.6 and happy with the result.