

Responses from imhififan

Where can I buy a Stax amp power converter?
https://www.amazon.com/PowerBright-VC100J-Transformer-countries-Convert/dp/B00757RYPKhttps://www.amazon.com/PowerBright-Vc500J-Transformer-Step-Japan/dp/B000J1ANSYAny 120v to 100v step down transformer provides more than 30 watts of output Power w... 
Switching a single set of speakers between two amps
I used Niles SPK-1 and SAS-1 When the AVR power up, the 12V trigger output from the AVR triggered the SPK-1 switch AVR output to Main speakers, the SAS-1 line level switch the sub-woofer input to AVR, and the speaker level switch connect a 25ohm1... 
No sound from Mack !!!
According to the C26 Manual http://wegavision.pytalhost.com/McIntosh/C26_own.pdf SPEAKER SWITCHESTo switch the main and remote stereo speakers using the push buttons on the front panel, the power amplifier output leads must be connected to the amp... 
Well now... 400$ Mark Levinson amp new...
the transistors and traces don’t know whose name is on the front panel That’s true, but if you want a clone closest to the level of component / construction it won’t be cheap!https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/Study-Copy-Dartzeel-NHB108-Deluxe-Version... 
Aragon IPS Power Supply
Check the blue transformer two 120V winding, if wiring in series its for 220/240V, if wired parallel its for 110/120V.https://www.eleinmec.com/figures/027_02.gif 
Broken Binding Post on Yamaha Home Theater Amp
You can't post photo here, maybe you can find parts at:https://www.searspartsdirect.com/partsdirect/brands-products/Yamaha-Parts/Audio-Equipment-Parts 
Broken Binding Post on Yamaha Home Theater Amp
Something like this:http://www.sears.com/unique-bargains-5-pieces-red-black-4-position/p-SPM7928589223?plpSellerId=Uniqu...# 
Phase inverting preamps
Phase or Polarity? http://totalproaudio.stevebunting.com/30/basics/phase-or-polarity/ 
Why does the power cord on my new Samsung Samart TV detach?
Check this out:http://www.ieclock.com/how-it-works/?vid=1http://www.qualtekusa.com/products_plug_assemblies_clips.php 
Why are my woofers pumping?
Check the turntable bearing? 
Comprar Reels Pletinas etc en Japón
Necesita publicaciones en inglés para obtener respuestas  
adcom fix
Your GFA-565 had some bad 220uf caps caused the DC leakage: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/solid-state/209059-adcom-gfa-565-a.html 
Kenwood KR-9600
conecting 1 subwoofer to 2 channel plate amp to get more power
Try this:https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1&ei=8RnVWrLEL4fejwSjjYTQAw&q=google+translat... 
REL T9i connecting options?
According to REL T9i manual:HI LEVEL and .1/LFE inputs can be used simultaneously. The benefits are two-fold when used with a home cinema system. The low level input reproduces the .1/LFE channel and the high level connection underpins the main fr...