
Responses from imgoodwithtools

What ever happened to Krell ?
To anyone who is a Dan D'Agostino fan, go audition one of his current amps from D'Agostino Master Audio Systems. I did, and bought an S-250. I found it more musical in my system, and to my ears, than at least a dozen competitors, both tube and sol... 
Preamp - Ayre vs. Audio Research
The AR Ref 6 is here. Anxious to fire it up and have a listen. 
Preamp - Ayre vs. Audio Research
I see your point stringreen. But some considerations I have might make my system a little unique. I have settled on the D'Agostino Momentum amplifier. It sounds Wonderful powering the Alexias. Unfortunately, the Momentum preamp does not offer a Li... 
Preamp - Ayre vs. Audio Research
My current system is a PS Audio Perfectwave transport feeding a Berkeley Alpha Reference 2 processor thru Synergistic Research Galileo LE AES/XLR digital interconnect, or an Esoteric SACD player. Balanced interconnects are Audioquest WEL Signature... 
Preamp - Ayre vs. Audio Research
I bought the AR Ref 6 on Audiogon just this morning from an individual. I've dealt with about six dealers just this past 18 months. JS Audio, Crescendo, Audio Alternative, Galen Carol Audio, Scott Walker Audio, and the Cable Company. 
Preamp - Ayre vs. Audio Research
I purchased an Audio Research Reference 6 this morning, slightly used with 330 hours. I will compare it to my Ayre KX-R Twenty preamp and report back, likely in about a month. 
Preamp - Ayre vs. Audio Research
True. But sometimes its not easy to compare two specific components at a dealership without buying an airplane ticket. And sometimes you don't hear at a dealer what you hear at home. My strategy, of late, is to research and read reviews, then purc... 
Preamp - Ayre vs. Audio Research
I spoke with a big, Eastern dealer this week who carries Audio Research, Ayre, and D'Agostino. They think the Dag is the best match with a Momentum amp. Obviously, that won't work for me. They also thought the AR might offer some positive virtues,... 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
Hey khrys. I'm not offended or disparaged by your opinion, or any comments on here. I'm a bottom feeder. I know that. And I work on a budget. The top end of my budget when assembling this system was $100K. I have paid full MSRP for One component i... 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
You are exactly on point, o_holter. The Atma Sphere amps were Great. They delivered a level of clarity, in the mids and highs, that I don't think I've heard anywhere else. They simply could not drive the bass on my Alexia's, and that was a system ... 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
The Alexia 2 will be out by the end of the month. It'll be interesting to hear what they're about. 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
Absolutely. I'm a huge Ayre fan. I preferred the MX- R Twenties to Many other amps, both solid state and tubed. Just, in this case, and in this system, I prefer the D'Agostino S-250 to the Ayres. The differences aren't huge, but they are significant. 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
I've spent a good portion of the past 5 days listening and swapping the D'Agostino S-250 with Ayre MX-R Twenties in my system. The following is what I hear. The associated system is a Berkeley Alpha Reference 2 processor feeding the amps directly ... 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
The D'Agostino S-250 showed up last night. Finally, after a couple of delays. What a Gorgeous hunk of audio jewellery with a touch of Steampunk. Ayre comparison coming soon. 
Synergistic Research Galileo LE vs CTS
For Sure! Just tonight...The Pretenders-Isle of ViewMarian McPartland-Hickory House TrioCannonball Adderley- Know What I Mean?Wonderful!