
Responses from imgoodwithtools

NAD M50.2
I just returned from Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver. Great experience. Unfortunately, the NAD room didn't have a 50.2 on display.I spoke with the Aurender folks and they said they would have a new transport/memory device available within 6 mo... 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
When I was in the Gryphon room, they were spinning CDs. They achieved great sound. 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
I agree, the Gryphon room was impressive. It was my wife's favorite. 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
No. Missed that one. 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
Best Bang for the Buck: Paradigm. 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
I was trying to be kind. I'm not good at it!;) 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
Just spent the day at RMAF. I would never bash a manufacturer for poor show sound. So I won't. Best sound by a decent margin was the Nagra suite. All Nagra electronics driving a pair of Wilson Alexia 2s. Rich, engaging, detailed music. 
Preamp for Dan D'Agostino Momentum monoblock amps
This is probably more than a day late and a dollar short, but I am using an Audio Research Reference 6 to feed a D'Agostino Momentum S-250. It's hugely musical. I couldn't be more pleased. 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
Let me say this: I know the components I'm running right now might not be drop-dead neutral. But, Man, that slightly modified Audio Research Reference 6 feeding the D'Agostino Master Audio Systems Momentum S-250 is So Musical. Wow! Even Dan D'Agos... 
NAD M50.2
I'm not an electronics engineer, so don't crucify me, Ok? LolBut, from what I understand, CDs are PCM data, pulse code modulation. So the PCM datastream is not only digital steps, but also sampled at uniform intervals. Therefore the data must also... 
NAD M50.2
And for who is interested, PS Audio is offering a trade-in program for cash credit toward a Directstream transport. My Perfectwave is headed to Colorado as a trade-in next week. 
NAD M50.2
Hi avlee,I don't want to blow up this thread by jumping off topic, because I truly am interested in the 50.2.But let me say this, I currently have my Perfectwave transport sitting one shelf directly above the Directstream transport. All I have to ... 
NAD M50.2
Thanks for the info, avlee. When it comes to digital, with me, all bets are off. I used to have a PS Audio Perfectwave transport. It supposedly took data off the CD numerous times, and dumped that data into a buffer. So, in theory, the data should... 
NAD M50.2
I know this is a tough or unanswerable question since you bought the NAD, but do you suspect the sound quality is as good, as say, Aurender through a great DAC? And I am pretty computer illiterate when it comes to computers in audio systems, but o... 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
As a proponent of the Synergistic Black fuse in my Audio Research Reference 6, I was curious how the new Blue fuse would sound. Simply put, I do not like it in my system. It's as if some of the energy has been zapped from the presentation, especia...