

Responses from ieales

Furman solves ground loop issue?
NEVER remove the ground pin. Use an adapter if you must lift a ground. It is best to check first if the ground pin is connected to any of the signal leads. If it's chassis only, removing it will have no effect.Is it hum or ground loop? They are no... 
We give up perspective to avoid tone controls
@ nitrobobIsn't Audyssey a tone control ?Audyssey is both time and tone. I use it for radio with pictures aka HDTV, but would never play music through it.I tried to play music through it once and the missus said "You're joking, right?"One day whe... 
We give up perspective to avoid tone controls
@stereo5 If the tone controls are designed properly, you will miss nothing.Every cap, resistor, pot, switch, wire, PCB, layout, ground scheme, connector, dielectric etc. has a 'sound.' Some deteriorate over time. Add a bunch of them together to cr... 
We give up perspective to avoid tone controls
Tone controls are like ketchup. Great on fries, not so much on most everything else. I became hooked on tone-less preamps by db and Dayton-Wright.Only a miniscule number of discs require any EQ surgery and degrading the many for the few does not m... 
We give up perspective to avoid tone controls
It totally depends on the location of the control in circuit. It could simply pad a driver to reduce level, change the xo frequency or a combination of both.That being said whether they would be of any particular use in a given room totally depend... 
We give up perspective to avoid tone controls
When working as a recording engineer, I tried to use as little EQ as possible, preferring to change/move microphones, cables and musicians.Most consumer tone control circuits are poorly implemented with corners in the wrong place and less than ste... 
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs
The sub farm is an interesting concept, but I suspect phase coherence may leave a lot to be desired.Phase coherence will determine the quality of the bass. The farm concept will definitely smooth out the level or quantity, but at the expense of ph... 
Am i missing something without a power conditioner?
@uberwaltzassuming I obviously am tone deaf and would not know hifi if it whacked me around the side of the head!I assume no such thing. <vbg> == Very Big Grin == Humor. Can't say I share your general taste in music but sometimes I rock out ... 
Am i missing something without a power conditioner?
there really is no point ANYBODY making any recommendationsPretty much sums it. In ancient times, a recommendation from someone whose system I'd heard and judgement I trusted would carry some heft. Your system gives you a slight uptick but "Sublim... 
Am i missing something without a power conditioner?
I forgot to mention that power conditioners often have multiple circuits fit with different filters [and manufacturer twaddle to accompany].The 5300 has two 'Regular' and 1 'High' current circuits. One  Regular switched and the other not. The Regu... 
Am i missing something without a power conditioner?
@uberwaltz - Fan Boy Prattle?So one is to assume that we include your recommendation of the Panamax in the same category then ieales?Absolutely. I stated I installed a Panamax and it was a significant upgrade. Other devices were better and worse. ... 
Am i missing something without a power conditioner?
In 2003, we add a Panamax 5300 and without a doubt, perhaps the most significant system upgrade going back to the 60’s. We auditioned other makes and models. Some were better but much more money and some were not so good for more and less money. D... 
Cable Snake Oil Antidote
as expected from Mr. Kait, the Feynman quote is incorrect.Feynman said “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” 
Yesteryears' expensive speakers compared to modern moderately expensive speakers
The synergy between your speakers and amplifier is going to determine the ceiling of your system's performance.don't forget cables. All may be for naught if the cables exacerbate rather than ameliorate flaws in the amp and speakers.it's a system 
Cable Snake Oil Antidote
@geoffkait - there's only one confused around here and it is not me.Polarity is irrelevant to phase discussion.