

Responses from ieales

Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs
No need. I can do the math. 
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs
Bass room gain?? Bass is all over the map in any room but an anechoic. ±30db is not a typical.A multi-sub system may smooth out level, but it will be a phase nightmare. Imagine a rectangular box filled with water. Drop in a pebble. The wave will b... 
Will fine tune adjustments with protractor help with "brightness?"
No mention is made of program. Ears clamp with very loud levels.Inner radii are less dynamic due to lower velocity. Is there a resonance at the outer edge that disappears toward the spindle?Speaker and amplifiers change with temperature. How old i... 
First Foray into XLR
Another transgression is to have vastly different impedances on the UnBal vs Bal inputs.Unless one can, or bothers to obtain and, read a schematic, making evaluations between the two may be specious. 
Positive-Negative On BInding Posts
As long as your speakers are in phase with each other it will sound like it should.Polarity DOES matter to those that can hear it.In pop music, IF a live drummer is used, the kick is often recorded without the outer head or with a hole in the oute... 
First Foray into XLR
I don’t doubt differences were heard.when compensating for volumeSince you adjusted volume, then you concur that matching volume has merit. Exactly how did you compensate?With your logic, nothing is, or sounds, any different than anything else - i... 
Are there any really good cd cleaners out there?
Armor All is made of silicones and glycerin to be left behind.Its raison d'etre is humans like shiny stuff.It's designed to leave a residue.Residue is a no-no on anything optical.Windex can also be nasty stuff also leaving a residue.It requires me... 
First Foray into XLR
Switching the VAC to XLR was mind blowing. We switched back and forth...Unless the output signal is verified within 0.1db across the whole spectrum, back and forth switching is rather pointless.If the cables are not identical, then cable deltas co... 
Are there any really good cd cleaners out there?
Shame on anyone who needs to clean one.Dish soap under lukewarm water. Dry with compressed air. 
First Foray into XLR
Why replug all cables in a system before auditioning new ones?  To establish a baseline fresh connection. Unless a connection is gas tight, contaminants in the air can degrade the sound. Replugging should abrade these contaminants and restore fres... 
Impedance Matching Question
Specifics of the gear being connected, cable type and length would help. It may be possible to simply change an output or input resistor.It is also possible that with short cable runs, worry is not warranted. 
First Foray into XLR
@english210 ‘what cables of either configuration would people here recommend to someone who’s sceptical but willing to try something more than freebie cables’?Specific recommendations are next worthless as it is highly improbable that any other li... 
To bridge or not to bridge ?
It may be obvious but may not be better to all 
To bridge or not to bridge ?
There are 4 possible combinations:No BridgeBridge -Bridge +Bridge ±Each will change the LCR interaction of amp/cable/speaker. Whether one is preferred is purely subjective.Recommendation without the same program, hardware and environment is worthl... 
Furman solves ground loop issue?
NEVER remove the ground pin. Use an adapter if you must lift a ground. It is best to check first if the ground pin is connected to any of the signal leads. If it's chassis only, removing it will have no effect.Is it hum or ground loop? They are no...