

Responses from ieales

How to make low end digital sound "not terrible" on higher end systems?
Tubes won't help.The signal bears no relationship to the original signal and the lost information cannot be recovered.Compressed audio is tolerable here as sonic wallpaper only either mono over a Boston Acoustics Solo or through 5-ch stereo on the... 
How to make low end digital sound "not terrible" on higher end systems?
It's not possible.See Why Lossy Encoding Sounds Bad http://ielogical.com/Lossy/ 
Switched from RCA to XLR Interconnects - WOW
@shadorne I designed and installed professional recording studio equipment. My company also did studio wiring installations. We offered a service to 'quiet' installations where implementation was less than stellar. We never failed to dramatically ... 
Switched from RCA to XLR Interconnects - WOW
Balanced reduces induced noise. If the output is noisy, balanced will not reduced the noise. Balanced may offer some relief in noisy environments provided the rest of the electronics are sufficiently well designed. I fixed lots of 'pro audio' gear... 
Cable Burn In
The scientific method allows changing only one variable at a time.So all the CBI fans listen in climate controlled inert environments, always eat the identical menu, always get 8.5 hours of sleep, listen at precisely the same time and the same lev... 
Cable Burn In
@elizabeth & CBI proponentsHow do you know it's the cable and not everything else, all of which are measurable? 
Switched from RCA to XLR Interconnects - WOW
@almarg - spot on, as usual.Changing to balanced cables can have ZERO or HUGE effect depending on electronics and system configuration. Given the OPs rapture, it’s quite possible his unbal setup was incorrect or a piece of gear has a poor unbal im... 
Cable Burn In
In TBCBI [Time Before Cable Burn In] we experienced everything attributed to it.What primitives we were putting it down to weather, connector outgas & pollutant contamination, electronic variability, diet, rest, ad nauseum.Riddle me this, Batm... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
A "live performance" only counts if it is unamplified. Otherwise, depending on equipment and skill of the sound engineer, the results can be from awesome to gawd awful.In an acoustic live performance, instruments are easily localized, focused and ... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
I interpreted your post to mean you recorded and mixed Al Jyes...since 1977 chasing time and phase and doing it scientifically...As were recording studios. Our large monitors were designed for the room, set and aligned with precision that would ma... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
skyscraper,We have somewhat similar spaces and taste. Additionally, I have a penchant for classical and opera. My room is a bit larger with bamboo flooring and several large thick wool area rugs.Since Heyser in the early 70's my mantra has been "I... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
I’d appreciate your honest recommend on exact modelsskyscraper, I could not presume. I know next to nothing about your environment, level you listen, range of programme AND your particular peccadillos.For example, minimum phase error from sub 30Hz... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
Why is there so much used gear for sale?Because people ask silly questions, listen to countless worthless recommendations and purchase based on them or 10 minute showroom demos in an environment totally unlike their own.A lot of $10k speakers are ... 
High order crossovers
@audiokinesis So my crossover boards all have these big unsightly clusters of resistors.thus reducing the inductance vs a single resistor of the same type 
My music sounds brighter
or duller or channel imbalance.Given the highly integrated circuitry of the DSP-A1, a cap their is an unlikely cause.Since the OP does not single out a single channel and given it is a multichannel set up, his comment about 'learn to use', a most ...