
Responses from ianrmack

Are "streamers" the new "transports"?
@ sonicjoy I think you summed it up.I'm writing this while listening to the same Grateful Dead album I have been listening to since the 70's and it has NEVER sounded better streaming "HR" via Qobuz to my Node 2i then to Chord Qutest.I hear instr... 
Are "streamers" the new "transports"?
@soix2 Yes, I did see that...thanks.But, perhaps I am mistaken...wasnt that solution @$1299 requiring an ethernet connection?It looked interesting, but I also dont need a CD ripper and 1 TB of storage.My existing music collection is all on my M... 
Are "streamers" the new "transports"?
@highpeakrider2...Exactly my "conclusion", too.Sure, I would bet there are some sonic improvements. But, at what cost for what incremental improvement...?As I have stated in other threads, I'm a "92% guy" when it comes to audio.I respect those who... 
Are "streamers" the new "transports"?
OP here...;-)Why should I "forget wifi"? I dont get it. First, I cant, as my stereo is across the room with no ethernet jacks around.I have found musical satisfaction by streaming Qobuz via Bluesound to my Chord Qutest.Also "stream" my library of ... 
Great Qobuz streamer. Upgrade from Bluesound Node 2
I use Node 2i and chord Qutest and am very happy.used Node 2i on its own for 3 months while I looked for a DAC I liked.prior, I had Apple TV running to a cheap peachtree DACiT.i am not sure, nor has anyone made an objective case, how spending more... 
DragonFly Red stopped working
My Dragonfly Red is basically falling apart but still (somehow) works.Granted, I use it almost everyday connected to my iPhone 8 and driving Cardas A8 IEBs and am constantly putting it my pocket on the train. 
Bluesound Node 2i vs Upscale streamers
This topic is not new, it’s just in a different wrapper.In the end, it’s all about the transport or transfer of info.With Records and turntables, it was the cartridge.With CDs, it was the transport.With the first Mac servers, it was about the USB ... 
Dead Bluesound Node 2
@correlli - I hear you, man...but let me just say...when I discovered "HR" tracks on Qobuz and could integrate that with the Bluesound app on my iPad to the Node 2i to a Chord Qutest DAC. I just about pissed myself with glee.One "touch of a button... 
Dead Bluesound Node 2
@corelli CDP can die, too.CDs are dinosaurs. They are basically akin to putting in software discs in your computer to run an application.Then we went to a server and ripped the files there.Then the next ice age came.Now we just use the cloud and s... 
Dead Bluesound Node 2
Recommendation #1: Keep your "questions" shorter and avoid the monologue. Many people will simply skip it....;-)Rec #2: What is your system and budget? If you do not say, then your replies will be all over the map....or non-exitsent...;-) 
$30K DAC in a $70K system - wise or ridiculous?
If the OP really has a $70k system and is on HERE seeking input on $30k DACs, then he really deserves the uncertainty of an internet-based purchase decision.will never begrudge anyone with the means to buy such folly, but will throw a dart here an... 
Bluesound Node 2i vs Upscale streamers
This topic reminds me of the great “transport debate” of 10/15 years ago.Given the same DAC, would a $2k+ CD transport deliver meaningfully better SQ than a stock Oppo, a stock Sony or a used Pioneer Elite...?those seeking incremental performance ... 
Streaming + DAC questions. Please help this noob!
@bowe60s...start your own thread, dude.please don’t hijack this one...;-) 
Bluesound Node 2i vs Upscale streamers
I hear you. It’s a $2k+ “gamble” to install a new streamer and deploy its “workflow” methodology. Maybe there will be a difference.however, for me, that’s where I draw the line.maybe my node 2i feeding a chord Qutest DAC gets me to “92%” of what s... 
Bluesound Node 2i vs Upscale streamers
Cool.But, mgrif also says that "his" streamers deliver less jitter to the DAC. I get that.What if you use a Chord DAC that does not care about jitter at all?Or, what if you use a W4S reclocker for $350?Surely there is more to the value proposition...