
Responses from hueske

Are white lines normal on dark scenes ?
You'll have to be more specific about these "white lines" to get much of an educated response, but I'd say that most definitely NO is the answer. Since the connection isn't the culprit, borrow another DVD player from a friend with the same disc an... 
What is Monoblock/Dual Mono/Bi-wiring?
Here you go.Monoblock - this is the opposite of a stereo amp. A stereo amp has two channels of output: a left output and a right output. A monoblock has only one. You need two identical monoblocks to form a stereo pair, and monoblocks, because of ... 
Anyone famimiar with Reynaud Arpeggione
THE amp for these speakers is the Audiomat Arpege Reference. It exceeds your price range by a few dollars (a smidge over 2000), but it is the best I have heard with these speakers. For cables, try cardas. Cheers!Brian 
Best powered Subwoofer for HT only... Under 1000
Check out the Adire Rava, and the ACI Quake and Titan II. The Rava is only 400, and from what I have heard, is amazing, and is a sealed design that goes down to 20 Hz with a 250W amp. Cheers! 
Digital "Crispies" and the ART di/o
Al, still under construction? Damn, you need to give me a BIG heads up when you're done, cuz Joe and I'll be making a road trip your way. I'll bring the beer, you provide the tunes. Cheers!Brian 
How many of us have worked in audio stores?
I work as a CAD draftsman/designer for an audio firm in the Summers (I'm a student), and work for Whetstone Audio in Austin during school. I work for a pittance, but I get to listen to great music all day. Cheers!Brian 
DIY CABLES Need Advice, Opinions, Supplier Info
1. Use John Risch's recipe for speaker cables and IC's. Amazing stuff, easy to build, and cheap. All Belden wire. Get the wire from Anixter or your local Belden supplier. 2. I use Cardas SLVR RCA's beca... 
getting a little obsessed with my first purchase
I would stay away from the Def. Tech's. They are not, in my mind, close to the best you could do for that price. You don't see TOO many used on this site because Def. Tech isn't considered (by many, not all) to be a true high performance loudspeak... 
Tubes in SET amps?
Dave,As to your first question, the main differences between different SET amps ARE the output drivers employed. There are many other differences in design (input stages, power supply, transformers) but by-and-large the majority of the differences... 
If you weren't at the CES 2002, check this...
Maybe I have bad ears, but none of those rooms (except for the Rockport one) that they list as the top of the show impressed me. It's interesting to see first hand what some people's idea of great sound is. Maybe I've got poor taste or something. ... 
Austin 'Phile Party Reminder
Ken,Thanks a bunch. We received them, but have yet to put them "to the test" :). It was great meeting you at CES! Cheers!Brian 
Best/Worst sound at CES and T.H.E. Show?
Sorry Albert, it was me. But I wasn't even told that the water hadn't been turned on yet! I don't even the custodians... :)Brian 
Anything exciting at CES?
It was my first experience at CES, and I learned a great deal about the audio scene.#1: All in all, the sound is quite bad. But great sound hits you like a ton of bricks in comparison.#2: There are two types of people in the audio industry. Great,... 
Speakers below 800
Fell in LOVE with Kirkstaeter (sp?) speakers at CES. The Silverline 50 is one of the best monitors I have EVER heard. Period. The sound from break-in to broken-in is immense, though. Amazing sound. Cheers! Retail for 700. 
Yet another power cord question...
If the wiring is as bad as you say it is, spend your money on a few high quality dedicated lines into the area where your kit is located. Will cost FAR less than the expensive AC cords, will improve EVERY part of your system (not just the ones wit...