
Responses from holzhauer

Hours sitting around just listening to music?
I work long hours in the warm months and am lucky to hear my system on the weekend. In the winter I am home much of January-April. During these cold months I am warmed by music almost nonstop during awake hours. As I type this Dire Straits Love Ov... 
ideal room size
Check out this page. It has the golden ratios reported with high precision and pics of Winston MA's awesome room.http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue3/maroom.htm 
Tube Preamps with Bass?
Bobo, If a loudspeaker is capable of the lowest audible bass, it's possible that a preamp with poor bass extension will not allow the speaker to show what it can do. I tried the Hovland HP-100 with my full range speakers. It sounded fantastic exce... 
getting people into 2 channel audio.....
In high school I was lucky enough to have a pair of magneplanars. Five or so of my friends at that time went from boom boxes and walkmans to good quality stereo systems after hearing the magneplanars. I'm assuming that the love of music and good s... 
Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K
Shahinian Acoustics Diapason Ensemble. priced at $12,000 and worth twice as much. Probably the best in the world at large scale classical. Thunderous bass and extreme volume and dynamic capacity. http://www.shahinianacoustics.com 
Benchmark Media DAC1 -anyone have one?
I have one and love it. When I bought mine you could by it directly from Benchmark with a money back gaurantee. John Marks of Stereophile is a fan of this DAC. 
Omnidirectional speakers. The future?
Duke, I really enjoy your discussions on reverberant fields. I especially like the listen from the next room test. It's funny that you mentioned that. I was just poking around on the net and found some info on a fellow who had reviewed the Hegeman... 
Underground listening room?
The last system I had in a basement had the life sucked out of it by all the concrete. The best sound I have heard is in frame structures. I suppose careful selection of wall/ floor materials could remedy some potential problems. It would be nice ... 
A serious blow to Canadian audiophiles, must read
I suspect that most audiophiles do not smoke marijuana. 
OHm micro walsh series...
Ecclectique- I just went to the Morrison website and saw the most recent apeaker. Clearly it does not look like a Shahinian Arc. Maybe the older Hegemans were the shape of the current Arc. 
OHm micro walsh series...
Ecclectique- is the Morrison Model 1 an evolved Hegeman? If so, Shahinian has since made a look alike. 
Omnidirectional speakers. The future?
Thanks Sean. I learned some more about Hegeman on the Asylum "Shahinians Anyone" thread. Shahinians Arc has identical shape as the original Hegeman loudspeaker. Shahinian states that Hegeman and others were his inspiration. Admirably, Shahinian do... 
Omnidirectional speakers. The future?
Sean- I think Richard Shahinian would have constructed a pulsating sphere type loudspeaker if he had the technology. I agree that the greatest problem with current omni drivers are the lack of high spl ability and limited dynamic range. Shahinian ... 
OHm micro walsh series...
No. But I hope more people start to realize that omnidirectional radiators have great potential. I have moved from boxes to planars to omnis and will never go back. I think of box sound as 1 dimensional. Planar sound as 2D and Omnis as 3D. Doesn't... 
flat speaker quandary
(Just a suggestion) This could be a very expensive pursuit. Before spending too much money, go listen to your ML3's at a dealer who thinks they are set up well in his shop. If they sound like they do at home then it is unlikely any amount of tweak...