
Responses from holzhauer

Speakers that sing
Electrostatic loudspeakers can be stunning with vocals. They are also very good with jazz. Soundlab and Quad make the best electrostats in my opinion. 
Speaker suggestions.
Scott, I have not heard any of the speakers you mention. I continue however to be absolutely amazed by the quality of sound from the Paradigm Atom. My wife commented after selling our $11,000 pair of electrostatic loudspeakers that the Atoms (set ... 
Dahlquist DQ-10s for home theater and music?
Jeff, I had a pair of the DQ-10's myself. Great speakers for sure. I can't think of any reason why these wouldn't go well with a surround system. The only thing I didn't really like about the DQ-10's is that they required a great deal of power to... 
Looking for a Speaker in the $15,000 Range
Samuelg's response intrigues me greatly. I have not heard the Vandy 5's but they are at the top of my must listen to list. I know the Avalons are great but I have always ignored them thinking they were somewhat weak in the bass department. Have yo... 
Looking for a Speaker in the $15,000 Range
Please go to Richard Shahinians shop in New Medford New York and listen to his Shahinian Diapason Loudspeakers. They cost $12,000 for a pair and I'd say they are worth much much more. They have the same magic as the Quads but with absolutely amazi... 
I adore my Shahinian loudspeakers
The link to Markwells review.http://www.avguide.com/product/Main_Speakers/Speakers/Shahinian_Acoustics/Hawk/2303.jsp 
I adore my Shahinian loudspeakers
I talked to Richard Shahinian yesterday. Apparently none of the American dealers are active. He does demo them in his shop in New York. I was happy to learn Shahinian loudspeakers are owned by some notable hi enders including Scott Markwell, John ... 
Heard the Bedini Classic 100 watt monos?
These amps are awesome. I have auditioned amplifiers costing 5 times as much in my system and none compares to these. The Bedini Monos have a tube like smoothness that leaves me breathless. What amazes me more than anything is that they are rated ... 
Do You Remember Your First Music Purchase?
It was a Rush 45. I think it was a cut from Permanent Waves. 
Anyone own the Gradient Revolution's..............
E-mail or call Duke LeJeune at Audiokinesis. He knows and sells the Gradients. He's a very knowledgeable and helpful dude. 
Mark Knopfler's Ragpickers Dream-heard it?
Marbletown is my favorite cut on Ragpickers. A verrrry realistic recording. The title cut on Sailing to Philadelphia recorded with James Taylor is also a favorite. 
Help w/ new speaker search
I personally prefer Shahinian and Quad loudspeakers. As your ears alone must decide, I suggest you add Meadowlark, Magnepan, Soundlab, and Buggtussel to your short list. John Marks who is a fellow Shahinian owner likes Aerials also. I suspect then... 
Want More Bass
I agree with Socrates 
Speaker Break In- my experience
Kana, at first I was going to ignore your post. Then I thought of John Atkinsons review of the Shahinians and how it damaged Richard Shahinians business. Pear Audio lets people read Atkinsons review after they have listened to the Shahinians. All ... 
Speaker Break In- my experience
Florian- I think you are absolutely correct about John Atkinsons review of the Diapasons. As I recall, he described them as tizzy on the top. That would accurately describe the sound before break in. In fact the only way to listen at length during...