
Responses from holzhauer

Need help with gymnasium acoustics.
Thanks Joe. Anyone else professional or otherwise is welcome to comment. 
Srangest ,most out there sounding music
A performance of The Whale at Ravinia about 12 years ago. The flautist sings through the flute to make a very odd whale like sound while others make keekoo keekoo sounds in the background. My wife and I still joke about that performance. It was ve... 
What items do you rarely ever see offered for sale
Being a big Shahinian loudspeaker fan, I look for them regularly on this site. A used pair of Diapasons shows up about once a year. A used pair of Hawks even less frequently and the contrabombarde subwoofer just once in a blue moon. It would be in... 
I'm going back to tubes... a question for y'all
Funny that Sean mentions tube gear with a solid state heart. I auditioned several tube preamps ranging from $2000 to $10,000 in my system. The lesser priced tube amps were clearly editing the music and truncating the bass. By the time I got to the... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
I find it interesting the great importance assigned by many to linearity when in fact the human ear is anything but linear. In chapter 3 of the Master Handbook of Acoustics attention is given to the effect of the ear canal on incoming sound waves.... 
Amp for Shahinian Diapason
Had to take the Plinius back to the dealer. He was kind enough to let me listen to it for five days knowing I wasn't likely to purchase it. It is certainly a great amplifier to use with the big Shahinians. A term that I don't usually use when desc... 
Can we have an "Ask Sean" catagory?
Sean is one of the smartest people I have been lucky enough to communicate with. Some may think I've gone too far but he may just be a genius. In my work I communicate with many engineers and scientists. Very few have impressed me with encyclopedi... 
Amp for Shahinian Diapason
Hi Mr. H I'm currently trying the Plinius SA-100 MK3 with my Shahinian Diapasons. I'll let you know when I formulate an opinion. When do you think the rest of the world will figure out how good these speakers are? 
Can a Classic Speaker be better ?
I think you will get a lot of yes answers to this post. Some of the classic speakers that sound great are now sold by more mass market companies that have reduced the quality. Also, sometimes the manufacturers change drivers and the speaker sounds... 
Small Monitor for Berning Micro Zotl?
Lookup member Twl. He uses 2 watts per channel to drive Lowther speakers. 
Buggtussel Speakers - heard 'em?
I have not heard them but I recall Duke from Audiokinesis saying he liked them. Correct me if I'm wrong Duke. The Buggtussels use transmission line bass enclosures which in my opinion is a big step in the right direction. The transmission line spe... 
WAF, Help, Need Strategy
Take her shopping for some good looking equipment furniture. All closed in and attractive. Then she will be involved with the decisions and possibly more receptive. Another approach that works for me is constant begging and pleading. My wife gets ... 
The day the Earth stood still?
Solar flare or sunspot activity? 
If Money Were No Object... A Fantasy Question
fun question onhwy61I'd hire the worlds best acoustic engineer and pay him to personally design and oversee the construction of the best room he can imagine. Unless I hear something better, I'll stick with my current speakers but add three more fo... 
Pioneer DV-45A or Denon 2200 Universal players
A/b'd several players today. Ended up with the Sony 777. More money but boy does it sound good.