
Responses from hk_fan

Pre-amp upgrade time?
I think the SLP-03 was one of Cary's weaker offerings.  The SLP-05 is lightyears better.  I'd put it toe to toe with the ARC REF preamps. 
Warm Sounding Preamp Suggestions
Cary SLP-98 
To monoblock or not to monoblock McIntosh MC275's
The answer you don't want to hear is... there's only one way to find out!I like mono-blocks and since you obviously like one MC275 I suspect you want another.  Am I right? :-)I think it boils down to whether or not you really want mono's.  There w... 
Best way to Crossover JL Audio F110 into system
Are you unhappy with letting the SF's roll off naturally and just using the crossover that is in the F110?If you are looking for a cheaper option than the JL crossover, look for a used Velodyne SMS-1.  They are discontinued but even new they were ... 
What's with BAT?
I'm a big fan of the 6SN7, especially in the Cary SLP-05 preamp, as well as the 12AU7 in the VTL 7.5III which in my opinion occupies rarified air in the tube preamp world.I've heard a few BAT's but never was really that impressed.  Different strok... 
What's with BAT?
My experience is similar to rlb61.  The 6H30 implementation that I've heard/owned in various preamps much too close to a transistor in terms of sound to justify the downsides of tube ownership, at least for me.I got tired of worrying about putting... 
Budget Audiophile Looking For Amplifier Suggestions
Proceed HPA's are a huge bang for the buck. 
To Pre or not to Pre? Here is my take
"What does this tell me?That absolutely the ls preamp is adding its own sonic signature to the mix, in theory that equates to probably a more "dirty" sound but to me this was the sound I preferred."I disagree.  What it tells you is that the volume... 
Recs for solid state integrated, $2-3,000 range
Micromega IA-400 or AS-400 are also great options. Get the AS-400 if you want to stream to it via AirPlay. I saw some on here marked down to $1500 or so which is a screaming deal as I think they were around $4k originally.I spent a lot of time wit... 
Any thoughts on passive v. active speakers?
I've owned both active (linn) and passive systems and found that passive better suits my personality - in that it allows me to mix and match, buy and sell equipment.A good active system does many things well, and probably the best option for someo... 
Pass XA 200.5 versus X-600 for MBL 101D
What is lacking with your current system?Your amplifiers are the last item that I'd consider changing if it were my system, however if you are determined to go Pass - I'd choose the XA without hesitation. 
AV Receiver recommends
If sound quality is high on your priority list, then be sure to audition a Cambridge. I own a 751R and it is an outstanding performer. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles as most of the others, but I do not miss them one bit. 
Parasound JC-1 or A31
Go with he JC1's. 
Size matters- recommend small system or component
I use a Cabridge Audio receiver and Focal Dome speakers to create shockingly good music. 
System upgrade advice
I think the problems are the speakers first, the Rotel second. The Proceed is a fine preamp and absolutely NOT a bright component.Another speaker to add to your list is Aerial, they are extremely listenable and certainly not fatiguing.