

Responses from hilde45

Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@mesch  Thanks -- and yes, please keep me posted. This might be a good way to go. I'm not buying today -- I don't even have my final speaker choice decided. This is pre-research (and fun). It's a shame I can only try one tube type today in my pric... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
Will do! 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
Thanks, Markus. I started reading that white paper and it's great. Aimed toward people with electrostatic gear, but I see the principles are general and that will be very useful. Appreciate that.Glad to hear your view on tube preamps. I've been wh... 
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
Thanks -- I am so glad to know that, and will go take a look at his speakers.  
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
@audiokinesis Right -- and, FWIW, I think the speakers mentioned here are that way because they're small and yet can do bass pretty well. Other speakers Salk makes are not as insensitive, e.g. the  Song3 Beats. @tvad Good suggestion. That may be t... 
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
Thanks, Doug. I was listening to Paul McGowan on why overkill buys you the benefits of "linearity" in the speakers' response on a video yesterday, but he was careful to point out that *how* you listen makes a huge difference as to whether it will ... 
Atoll IN200SE Integrated Amplifier
@mauger2069 and all, Just coming back to this thread because I'm going to listen tomorrow to the Atolls as well as some Quicksilver gear. (Both at Crescendo Audio in Wheatridge, CO.) I had a listen to the Parasound pre/amp (P6, A23+) but with diff... 
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
@daledeee1 This conversation with Jim Salk has a graph, perhaps of the kind you're asking about? Of course, you're asking about getting graphs for *any* speaker we want to buy. Salk's graph is not in this excerpt but you can find it here:https://w... 
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
@tomic601 There sure are! 
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
This was helpful. https://youtu.be/DNfpYncOQRc 
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
Excellent. Thank you, all. 
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
Buying it right now.  
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
Thanks, @tvad  
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
I'll go buy the Harley book. I'll try to consult it before asking questions like this. I assumed there were no prereq's for asking a question.@millercarbon — I'm interested in both. It starts with a practical question but leads into theoretical on... 
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
Thanks, Erik. While this question may have a practical upshot, it’s really a theoretical question. I appreciate your efforts to answer it.