Responses from hifiman5
Spay for CD @rodman99999 @geoffkait The first article posted by Rodman99999 stated the relationship of photons to electromagnetic waves as succinctly as I've had the fortune to read. Saying "The magnetic field isn't made of photons. Photons are made of mag... | |
Wet Cleaning records makes things worse? @leemaze If you are willing to invest $199.00, just pick up a Record Doctor wet vacuum machine. You will not see dust on that needle ever again.http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=RDV | |
Spay for CD @ebm The OP is a relative newbie. He/she may not have been around for that thread.🙃 | |
Do Bigger Speakers Mean a Bigger Window? @cd318 In my experience you don't need big speakers for a large size image. My Treo CTs are modest in size compared to many floorstanders but they can envelop the front of my listening room in sound. Many "experiments" have been done where a s... | |
Suggestions for Full Range Speakers up to 10K Dear OP,Sadly you have succumbed to the dark side 👿 of audio jewelry as opposed to seeking the best musical performance. "Disappointed in you am I " | |
to bi-wire or not? @kalali Not if you use two separate runs of cable, one from the amp to the bass speaker input jacks and the other from the amp to the mid/treble speaker input jacks. Some refer to this as "True Biwiring". | |
Do Bigger Speakers Mean a Bigger Window? @ieales "An ideal source would is a point as it would have no coloration from cabinets, crossovers / driver displacement interactions." Please edit."Speakers have become taller because they fit beside TVs. Multiple woofers in a column have a ti... | |
Spay for CD @roberjerman +1 to Geoff pointing out the analog nature of the reading of the binary digital code. Any "tweaks" that enable your player or transport to read the digital data on your silver discs will yield sonic benefits. As far as "Spaying",... | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs @wolf_garcia +1 Listening for a difference! What a concept.😬 | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs @ieales I guess you straightened Mr. Vandersteen and I out. Thank God someone did!😯 | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs @mr_m Well said! I recently had my McCormack DNA-1 upgraded by Steve McC at SMc Audio. Upon discussing the prospects of upgrading/rebuilding my amp, he told me that some well-heeled clients afforded him the opportunity to design some ultra amps... | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs My guess is Richard has realized, through R&D, very significant improvements in the sound quality of his offerings over the decades and has decided to go for the ne plus ultra to see how good the realism of his designs can get. Listening to th... | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs @ieales What cred. would you have to "correct" Mr. V.? 😯 | |
If You Were A Swine Looking To Choose Between 3 Preamps... 🐖🐷🐽 | |
Just got ruined by a pair of Treo CTs @2chfreak +1 John Rutan is everything people say on A'gon. He has a comprehensive knowledge of both gear and tunes. He know how to set up a system to maximize its abilities and is an absolute straight talker. No BS from him.👍 |