
Responses from hifigeek1

Protection Kicking On At Low Volumes?
The SP-4 uses 'transistor modules' and one of them may be putting out D.C. This would force your amp to shift operating points especially if its D.C. coupled at the input. Not a good thing. It's also possible that the power supply caps are bad in ... 
Help with a Kora Galaxy tube amp
That really doesn't make any sense at all. It either has an adjustment pot for each tube or one for each channel. It's a matter of adjusting the voltage across the cathode resistor. The cathode of that tube is pin 3. An El84 equivalent is a 6BQ5. 
help with audio resesrch d76
Larry, hopefully it doesn't have the white relay in it either. That can become problematic. 
Low level noise from spkr when nothing is playing
Is it possible you have the gain cranked up on the center channel and needs to be adjusted? A line conditioner will not solve that problem if the issue is only the center channel. Is this the first time you've noticed this, or is this a new issue?... 
Screech when turning tube pre on
Youra6 what is the sensitivity of your speakers? It's possible the speakers you own are far more sensitive than the reviewers speakers, hence the hiss. Note that with preamps that haven't any mute relay, when they initially power up, it's a good i... 
help with audio resesrch d76
...also the D90 did not have a servo in it. The D90B does. 
Audio Research SP3A-1 or Conrad Johnson PV11
ARC SP-3C (power supply upgrade) hands down.... 
help with audio resesrch d76
The original D-90 had 6550 outputs. 
ARC's new REF-75
@Bifwynne Tic Tacs. 
Any way to reduce pre-amp noise floor?
That's what I said..lol 
help with audio resesrch d76
I like the D-76 a lot. I'm working on a D-90B right now. Both are great but the D-76 with new caps actually sounds better then when it was new as all the poor twist lock lytic caps get replaced with current technology filter caps. The D-90B uses d... 
Congestion, clarity problems gone: M.R. RM-9
Your Marantz definitely needs work. I have worked on quite a few 8B's and when they are running properly they are simply amazing. 
Bryston 3B repair in Philly
Sounds like your amp needs some new filter caps as well. Good luck trying to find the right size caps for that amp. I really would suggest sending it back to Bryston. Regarding packing..It's a good idea to purchase the proper shipping cartons as w... 
low bass on Audio Research LS27
Unfortunately it would not.... 
low bass on Audio Research LS27
I would have to see your preamp first. Then, once I have gone through it we can discuss changes that can be made.