
Responses from hickamore

Is it all worth it?
Uber,thanks.Used market hadn't occurred to me. Will go shopping. Overture won't respond to my emails anyhow. You'd think, with a name like that .  .  .    
Is it all worth it?
Uber, how do you have under $3k in Aurender + good DAC?Which Aurender and which DAC?Thanks. 
How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect sites like Audiogon?
Agon is prime reading. Thanks to all commentators. Just here to learn. 
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....
An old SS TEAC remains my primary audio source among the many. Local NPR station programming and engineering are good enough to hold my interest without resort to LP, CD, stream, cassette (!) etc. Got the current model NAD in reserve for when the ... 
Cassettes still rock!
Anachronistic enthusiasms always hit the dead end of original context.Cassette was invented to lift the hassles of LP.CD was invented to lift the hassles of cassettes.Computer-based formats were invented to lift the hassles of CDs.Go back to your ... 
Cassettes still rock!
Inspired by this discussion, I hooked up the old, disused Rotel 960 cassette player to the preamp and simply inserted a home-recorded Maxell XLII-S from mid-1987 at the precise where it was last stopped, decades ago. Figured many degradable parts ... 
Review of Legacy Audio Signature SE and dealer Audio Doctor
Been running the Legacy SEs for 4 months now, but hate to say they still seem designed for HT. Emphasis falls at the extremes of the frequency spectrum, with a hole in the middle -- just like going to the movies! But since others have gotten bette... 
Schiit Freya S or Freya +?
Freya S has now burned in and stands ready for review. The quickly switchable modes and input sources with the ingenious remote is a nifty innovation indeed. Volume control is pinpoint, and for me, the clicking gives a sense of authority. Design i... 
Hunt for new floor standers
In your spot if buying new I would also go for the ML 60XT. A bargain with good low end you are looking for. Used market is great if you have time to shop. 
does MacBook Pro need a DAC?
Not using a DAC with a Macbook is like not using a decanter with a fine red wine. f1status above has it right. Your learning curve may not be as steep as his, but every step will be a big one. Start with any of the cheap DACs mentioned above. 
I need advice for power cords
Most helpful,  tantejuut Sharing this with my electrician. No DIY on this stuff for me.  
I need advice for power cords
Several posts here make the fundamental claim that upgrading house wiring & outlets should be top priority, and that until this has been addressed, any comparison of audio component power cords is an idle exercise. What say the experts about t... 
Hunting Unicorns
Has anyone used the Aurender, and if so, what is your preferred control device? 
Hunting Unicorns
Thanks! Clicking link now. 
Hunting Unicorns
As have erik_squires and mlsstl now. Thanks to all. I wondered why, and now I know. Next question would be an affordably functional tablet control device occupying little space.