
Responses from hesson11

Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment?
Vocalpoint,I look forward to your findings in comparing the two alignments. I haven't read of anyone ever doing this before. But I wouldn't be surprised if the differences are pretty minor. We old, hardbitten audio vets have a habit of hyperbole, ... 
Low Volumes
I've been thinking of this a bit myself. Have you thought of adopting a nearfield setup? You can get away with lower volumes and still possibly reach satisfying listening levels. I've been thinking those KEF monitors with the concentric drivers mi... 
budget towers? $500/pair
I'm sure it's something he'd want to fix, pronto! It's probably something that has escaped his notice in the 33 since the speaker was first produced.-Bob 
budget towers? $500/pair
"Vandersteen 2C will not tolerate high volume for long periods of time. It will cause permanent damage to the crossover. It's an inherent problem with Vandersteens."Have you informed Richard Vandersteen of this?-Bob 
Which low output MC cartridge
I'm going to have to go against prevailing opinion here. It's always been my experience that the biggest differences in sound are made by the transducers (cartridges and speakers). This is not a fashionable opinion, but it's what I've found to be ... 
Tailoring tweeter output
Good luck.And don't forget to try the toilet paper!-Bob 
Is 8.7hz too low for tonearm/cart resonance?
I'm no expert, but everything I've read over the years (and I've read a lot) indicates that the preferred range for tonearm/cartridge resonance is from 8 Hz to 11 Hz. So according to that, you should be okay. I'm not sure if your floor/footfall si... 
Tailoring tweeter output
I understand it's an old recording engineer's trick to drape a piece of toilet paper over the tweeter to tame the high frequencies. I've tried this on a few shrill recordings, and it works pretty well. It does, though, tend to reduce not just the ... 
Excessive woofer movement with a VPI JMW 9 ?
Anyone tried the DB Systems Subsonic Filter?-Bob 
Well Tempered Amadeus
Thanks for the info, Ghunter. Damn thing is that I was in a shop that had one. But at the time, I wasn't there to look at turntables, so I didn't try it. I don't think I even noticed that it didn't have a cueing lever. I like Firebaugh's maverick ... 
Well Tempered Amadeus
Hi Ghunter,I'm kind of thinking about getting a WTA (and also kind of thinking I really shouldn't spend that much). My concern is that my hand just isn't steady enough to handle the arm safely. I've seen the video demonstration on the Amadeus blog... 
Well Tempered Amadeus
I wonder if the Yamamoto Hydraulic Arm Lift could be easily fitted to the Amadeus for those of us who may be a bit shakier than others.-BobScroll to the bottom of the page:http://www.jacmusic.com/Yamamoto/html/Phono/index.html 
Choices: Nagaoka MP-50, MP-300, or Garrott P77i?
Not to butt into the middle of this, but Raul, you're right about the denotative meaning of the word "ignorant." Here in the U.S., however, the word also carries connotations of "stupid" or "unintelligent." I would not expect a non-native English ... 
in over my head?
Sorry! In my post above, I inserted the same link twice. The second one was supposed to be:http://www.vinylengine.com/cartridge-alignment-protractors.shtmlBob 
in over my head?
We all, at some point, had to get up to speed on all this. It can get complicated, but it's certainly worth the time and trouble. Your questions are pretty broad, and I think perhaps one of the best places to start is with this page:http://www.nee...