
Responses from hesson11

Well Tempered Amadeus
Hi Sam,No, I don't have an Amadeus, so I am not trying to tell you what you should do. But I am really curious about the turntable and am trying to learn more about its tonearm/cartridge geometry. I guess I really don't understand your question. A... 
Well Tempered Amadeus
I have no firsthand experience, Samtse, but I've read a good deal about the Amadeus, and from what I understand, you're not supposed to align the cartridge in the traditional sense. Rather, you just affix the cartridge to the fixed headshell. No a... 
phono preamp with volume control
PS Audio GCPH. A fine unit.-Bob 
$1700 floorstanders
I agree about going cheap with the cables for now (and maybe forever!). Moving the speaker and listening positions, even slightly, will absolutely swamp any changes that cables will make.=Bob 
Mono cartridge classification
Thanks a lot Ldorio.So the Ortofon OM D25M puts our a stereo signal, right?-Bob 
Mono cartridge classification
Thanks so much for the information, Jonathan. Glad we're no longer talking behind your back! I'm glad you cleared up the question on which types of records you used in developing your stylus shape. I've certainly never heard of anyone doing such e... 
Thorens TD-309
All I know is that it's gorgeous and I want one.Of course, it would be nice if it sounds and works as good as it looks!-Bob 
How important is ext. adj. for cartridge loading
Front-panel switching would be a huge influence for me to buy the preamp. Worth the price difference. If I had several candidates that were otherwise nearly equal, this would swing your unit into favor, for sure.I'd also scrap the balanced option ... 
Mono cartridge classification
Thanks, Pryso. Your understanding of which styli to use for which recording era matches mine. Perhaps I got it from you! Have you checked out the Esoteric link I posted above? There's some pretty good info there that seems to match yours (and it's... 
Mono cartridge classification
Thanks for checking me, Pryso. I need it! Still learning.Here is a post by Jonathan Carr of Lyra that says Lyra listened to a wide range of mono recordings in developing their stylus. He says the records were both pristine and well-worn, but he do... 
Mono cartridge classification
Sorry. The first sentence of my fourth paragraph, above, should read:"Also be aware that SOME cartridges that are sold as mono carts actually do produce a mono signal (Denon DL-102, Grados)."-Bob 
Mono cartridge classification
Oooh, boy. This is a pretty complex area you're getting into. Google will be your friend. The wide range of contradictory information you find will be your enemy. I'm just learning about the world of mono myself, so take everything I say with a gr... 
Swapping Tonearms on a VPI Aries- anyone?
Sorry I can't help you, Phil, but I'd love to know what cart you're using for mono. I'm heading in that direction a bit myself. Thanks.-Bob 
Dynavector 20 Xl , Benz Micro Ace SL or Denon
Nice report, Spelly. Most of us don't get the chance to actually audition cartridges against one another before buying! If you're so inclined, I'd be interested to know more about your thoughts on the 20X-H in relation to the Shelter and the Nagao... 
Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment?
You're right, of course, Dan. I overlooked the imprecision introduced by the Technics alignment jig. I have an SL-1200, which I aligned with a protractor, and I guess I was thinking of that. In any case, it would be interesting to hear impressions...