
Responses from hesson11

Rogers LS3/5a question
(Those more knowledgeable, please correct me if my memory is faulty on this.) If you're looking for "ruthlessly revealing" monitors for recording/mastering, the LS 3/5a may not be ideal. While intended for use as monitors, they were designed by th... 
Mid-priced CDPs: Old vs. new technology
>>The journey is often a lot more fun than the destination.<<And a hell of a lot cheaper! Thanks.-Bob 
Mid-priced CDPs: Old vs. new technology
My apologies if I misunderstood, Viridian, but my reference to the similarity in your opinions was based on the fact that you both indicated that older players still had at least some good things going for them in comparison to newer ones. That wa... 
Mid-priced CDPs: Old vs. new technology
Thanks a lot, Tgrisham. I've read of some dissatisfaction with upsampling. That's one of the reasons I'm curious about the advantages (or disadvantages) of the "latest, hottest" technology. It's also interesting that you speak highly of the Jolida... 
Mid-priced CDPs: Old vs. new technology
I'm actually just trying to get my bearings in today's digital technology. I truly appreciate the suggestions given, but I would really love to hear thoughts on the questions I asked, if anyone cares to offer them. THANKS!-Bob 
Best speakers for about $3500
"But, there is no way you can say definitively, or even subjectively that they have better clarity than the 3.6R Maggies."Ah, I think one's opinion is the very essence of subjectivity. Dorkwad was giving his opinion, and you seem to be saying he i... 
Well Tempered Amadeus
"it looks universal"Yes, it does. The only question I'd have is whether the height range would be a proper for for the Amadeus.-Bob 
Well Tempered Amadeus
Tbg,I don't know what "the option" is that Samtse mentioned, but I'm wondering whether you saw this link I posted earlier in the thread to an add-on tonearm cueing device from Yamamoto:http://www.jacmusic.com/Yamamoto/html/Phono/index.htmlScroll d... 
Need some advice????
A little more information would probably help, i.e., what you don't like about the Infinities, what kind of sound you're looking for, what kind of music you listen to and at what volumes, what your partnering equipment is, what your room size is a... 
PSB Imagine vs Paradigm Studio 60 vs Revel F12
In the absence of replies from anyone who's actually heard these speakers, I'd say be very careful about overloading your small room with big speakers. The Studio 60 and Revel F12 should be able to put out some pretty deep, relatively powerful bas... 
Please...Advice For The Speakerly Challenged
"...a shortage of new speakers to audition in my neck of the woods..."You gotta be kidding me! I'd have to drive for days and days to audition the range of speakers you've already heard. Count yourself lucky.Just a note on the Vienna Acoustics Moz... 
Songs for intense listening
A few favorite evaluation (and listening!) LPs:Beethoven Middle Quartets, Quartet Italiano, PhilipsRespighi: Ancient Airs and Dances, Karajan, DGGVivaldi: Concerti for Violin, Grumiaux, Dresden State Orchestra, Negri, PhilipsReger: Sonatas for Una... 
Should I upgrade my turntable?
As you can see, the Technics table and its adherents have a few vocal detractors on this and other forums. I find the more venomous and derisive the language, the less trustworthy the source. From certain parties, it comes to sound like a broken r... 
Room acoustics how ? My image is not centered
Many good responses here. The cause has very likely been touched on somewhere in the responses. But let me just add one other possibility. Have you had your hearing checked? This may sound like a joke, but it's very common for the sensitivity of o... 
Turntable isolation
This magnetic levitation stand looks interesting:http://grantfidelity.com/site/WMP-1A_MKII_magnetic_levitation_platform