

Responses from henry53

3way replacement for my 2way
Linton's were the worst speakers I heard this year, if I discount all the Klipsch. 
If your down on your system…
Expectation bias is at play, when you hear something at $100,000 you expect to be completely whooped but my not be. I find if I listen to a system I cannot afford mine sounds better than I thought. 
Who Were Your Mentors
I started an engineering degree at uni in 1974 and the design lecturer was a hifi nut.  We designed turntables and speakers as projects etc. I was a part time DJ and the two things combined to become a near obsession. I remember he took me to a pr... 
Speaker and amp pairing
Whilst giving a greater choice of amplifier the problem with choosing speakers only above 92dB is that severely limits your choice, of speakers. In the old days our choice of computer was often limited by the amount of storage and RAM today both a... 
I agree with Keef
Do we really need to listen to yet another rewrite of history. There were slaves, they had a bad life the song tells that story. Who wants to hide such facts away, I agree with Keef. 
3way replacement for my 2way
I had small Triangles and found them too bright, I did however get good results by adding 2 (definitely not 1) subwoofer and setting them at between 80 and 120 Hz. That would leave you tons of money to spend on a better phono amp (which I see as t... 
Tube or R-2R DAC for Tube System
I use a Denifrips Ares ii with Vincent Audio Hybrid Pre / Power amps a really nice pairing.  I have tried several tube amps but miss the really low bass I personally enjoy. 
RE: the question: ":Why do forum interactions become contentious". . .
I guess it's something we are passionate about, but also it can become personal.  It's like asking people what is the best car, they invariably tell you it's the one they bought or whatever you do don't buy the one I bought. Either way if you igno... 
The two stages of audiophilia
Got there I believe recently. Any further upgrade would just be too expensive for the improvement. System: Audiolab 6000 CDT, Denifrips Ares ii, Vincent Audio SA 31 MK / SP 331 MK and audio Physic Sitara 25's. Also use 2 x Definitive Technology su... 
The two stages of audiophilia
Got there I believe recently. Any further upgrade would just be too expensive for the improvement. System: Audiolab 6000 CDT, Denifrips Ares ii, Vincent Audio SA 31 MK / SP 331 MK and audio Physic Sitara 25's. Also use 2 x Definitive Technology su... 
Class A into Class AB
I use a Vincent Audio pre power SA 31 MK / SP 331 MK, first 10 watts are Class A. Calculations imply that would be 99% plus of my listening time.  
16 bit vs 24 bit vs 35 bit vs 36 bit vs 64 bit DAC sampling
What does it sound like? If the new DAC is better does it matter how they got there? I have several DACs, do they sound the same, definitely not.  
The Most Digital Recording You Ever Heard
Unfortunately threw aware my Garrard 401 / SME, in some strange fit, not unhappy re giving up vinyl but very unhappy about what it could be sold for. I had replaced all my favourite records with CD's because the vinyl sound with clicks and pops dr... 
DAC That Punches Above Its Price Point
Recently bought the Denifrips Aries II, could not be happier. The Denifrips seems to suit my system,  Audiolab 6000 CDT, Vincent Audio Pre / Power Amps and Audio Physic Sitara 25 speakers, with twin subwoofers. I compared several DACs, in my syste... 
Economical CD Transport - Thoughts?
I have an Audiolab 6000 CDT, road tested with CA CXC 11, found no differences, also tried Project transport very unimpressed. CDT works very well with my Denifrips Ares 2.