

Responses from headsnappin

Cartridge fresh out of the box
The cartridge has a problem, no adjustment will change the output of an individual channel significantly. 
VPI Scout cart pairing
The Dynavector from VPI has a 1 mv output, so it is too low output for a MM stage. 
Pro's/Con's Of audiophile TT
That was the only exception I thought of, that is why the "generally" was put in. 
Pro's/Con's Of audiophile TT
Chadnliz, suspended 'tables are generally more sensitive to footfalls, not less. 
Ortofon 2M Black vs, Clearaudio Maestro
Assuming is never good. 
Linn LP-12 still competitive with the very best?
Norman, the more your dealer touched your 'table, the worse it sounded. Thousands of people with a different dealer have loved the upgrades. Further proof he doesn't know much about it. I really don't care what anyone thinks of the LP12, but misin... 
Ortofon 2M Black vs, Clearaudio Maestro
Bob, you can get just the black stylus for your bronze, the bodies are the same. 
Ortofon 2M Black vs, Clearaudio Maestro
Almandog, I think your descriptions of the cartridges would be helpful for many on this forum. BTW, I tend to agree with your final analysis. 
Ortofon 2M Black vs, Clearaudio Maestro
Tayofiji, have you heard both the black and the maestro? 
Linn LP-12 still competitive with the very best?
I guess it boils down to if one likes the sound of an LP12 or not. 
Avid Volvere/SME 309 vs Linn/Lingo/Ittok LV-2
I absolutely agree with Rello. 
Dynavector 10x5 - tracking
Rob, it is best to align the stylus, not the cartridge body. 
Do I need a record cleaning machine
Steaming is a great way to lift the dirt but then you need to wash it away. 
78 RPM turntable
Getting a turntable to spin at 78 is easy, the real issue is the groove size is WAY wider than an LP and one ends up with a ton of noise from the stylus riding at the bottom of the groove. I'd recommend an separate TT with a proper cartridge to pl... 
How much fluid do you guys use?
Have you tried using more fluid? I've found using more than you state works better but I'm wondering how much I can back off.