
Responses from headphonedreams

Best speakers around $130k?
MBL 101 has already been mentioned.  Borresen 01 both sounds great and looks great.  
Integrated vs. Separates on a Budget
I used to have a Nad amp from the late 80s. When it broke I changed to a Rega Brio which was a bit better. Still with my old speakers. I planned to upgrade my speakers but started to think about moving and did not know which speakers that would wo... 
What are you using as a streamer? Constructive feedback please.
If you are going to use Roon and is somewhat used to computers you can buy an Intel NUC and install Roon Rock. I have not tried it buy a lot of people says it sounds great. If you are not gonna use Roon then a Windows computer with some remote acc... 
New streamer or dac?
I think the worst thing with a single box is that streaming services are still changed and updated and some hifi companies may not be the best at updating software going forward. What if Qubuz and Tidal goes out of business and a new service takes... 
New streamer or dac?
@pwayland Any other interface to the DAC will struggle to provide bit perfect input. I think I know what you mean but the normal way to use "bit perfect" just means that all bits are transferred and all digital interfaces manages that. I2S migh... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
For op, if $400 is all you can pay for a dac than your list of dac's is great. If you are curious what better dac's could sound like I think you should try a $1k dac, a $2k dac and maybe a $3-5k dac also. If you still can't hear any difference the... 
Just installed a bluesound node 2i , quality not so good
A Schiit Bifrost should be better than the Node 2i. Or Okto Dac8 Stereo which also includes a streamer so you can sell the Node. https://www.stereophile.com/content/okto-dac8-stereo-da-processor    
$39K for the Linn Klimax DAC/streamer?
@jhills  just that you can not extract more from any streaming source than is there  I don't really see how this would be different from an amp, a speaker or a turntable. Do you think those can extract more than there is in the source? And f... 
Is advice from a constant upgrader to be avoided
This is an interesting question. I am firmly in the not-changing-for-a-very-long time camp but when I think about it that has two main reasons. First I got a family and did other things for many years which meant I did not have as much time nor mo... 
A guy asks a question about high efficiency speakers........
Having html  input on a web site is a security risk. I hope they will fix any problems soon. The editor also behaves a bit strange when you paste a link to another web site.  
To DAC or not to DAC ?
I agree that it sounds like a good idea to change both dac and pre-amp. If you want one integrated unit or two separates are up to you. I did take a look in the latest TAS, issue 321, since it has a buyer's guide. There are a lot fewer on-box solu... 
Ready For Digital Source...Computer?
I just want to add another option. Start with a Raspberry Pi as a streamer and use this for a few months or a year. Then you can upgrade to something better. You may be able to try another streamer in your home and compare them. I have a RPi with ... 
Ready For Digital Source...Computer?
The Innuos reclocker should be able to improve the sound of a audio streaming from a computer It is very pricy so it may not be the perfect choice for your budget but it may be worth thinking about. There are other brands that are cheaper that may... 
$39K for the Linn Klimax DAC/streamer?
+1 @stibi  I also wonder why op is not upset about the Wadax top dac?  
Looking for a SS integrated Amplifier recommendation going into a new system
If you want to buy a new amp I think the Bryston B135 is great  Heard it at a dealer. https://twitteringmachines.com/review-bryston-b135-cubed-integrated-amplifier/