Responses from hbarrel
Mojo Audio Mystique EVO Have a Mystique v2x (upgraded) that will soon be shipped.Excited to receive. New Linux based i5 NUC.It is Christmas in May. | |
Does the Audio Industry Have a Quality Problem? My BlueCircle NSCS integrated amp and Shahinian speakers were flawless and functioned without issue for 16 years. | |
Best material for an isolation platform? A couple weeks ago I set my amp on a 2”x19”x19” slab of limestone.$41works perfect | |
Interesting thought Hi end audio… all my life hi end audio was having the best system I could afford. And still is.Moved out of the house at 18 and bought a Nikko receiver, Realistic speakers and a Garrard turntable. Worked at a gas station as a mechanic.Been getting... | |
Any thoughts on Denafrips Terminator Plus Audioman58 thanks for the heads up on Mojo… never heard of them. Made in the USA. Since I am in the DAC market and them having a trial period. Nothing to lose. | |
What do you have on order RIGHT NOW. Scheduled for delivery tomorrow… Music Fidelity Nu-vista 600 and a Cary DMS 550.I am excited, among the first changes in my system since 2005.Put some Spendor D9’s in the room last week. | |
Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment. I am by nature a skeptic. And many things (IMHO) in the audiophile world are indeed snake oil.That said, in my 13x16 living room, couch chairs and all… I bought two 24x24 box difusor’s and sat them on top of a chair back, which sits between my spe... | |
Review: Alon Model V mkII Speaker I have a complete Alon surround system for the television room. The mains woofer papers deteriorated to the point of failure. I called NOLA. They sold me new woofers and updated crossovers to match up with the replacement speakers.Now this was a g... | |
Looking for recommendations for a pair of full range speakers for ~8k or under IMO speakers are in a lot of ways like televisions. There is no perfect television and there is might not be any perfect speakers.Sound comprehension is subjective to each individual.Most of us are limited by our pocketbooks. Be it room configurat... | |
16 years of the same system, time for change? 213runnin... there is merit to your comment. Prior to your comment I went and found some Squalin oil I bought a billion years ago (ok figure of speech) and wiped all connection down.To say an improvement was not garnered would be a lie.At this poi... | |
16 years of the same system, time for change? When I am drooling on myself what will it matter? Won’t know anyone. And those who visit will not know.Will not care. Enjoy life NOW! Entirely disagree. | |
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear 1111art thumbs up on Sneaker Pimps “Becoming X” | |
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear “Closer to it” Brian Auger’s Oblivion Express Showing my age with this one. | |
DAC upgrade? Now I am going to have to investigate... never heard of extreme.Oh yea I use the optical interface between my mini and the dac. | |
DAC upgrade? Have you tried the system optimizer within Audirvana?For sure wakes up my Cary Xciter DAC.Got nothing to lose by flipping a switch. |