
Responses from hbarrel

R2R next? Don't like ESS
I listened to a Topping E70 (AKM4499EX) at friend’s house. One very well may end up in my system.  Would replace my Cary Xciter.   
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard?
In 1979 when John Cougar Mellencamp opened for Heart at Blossom Music Center. Heart did not have a good night. JCM made them look bad.  
Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment
Added Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables and Crystal Oval interconnects. First new cables in close to 25 years. Holy heck they had to make a difference. Hard not to.o  
Should I give up on FM HD over the air ? and steam instead ?
Fanfare FT-1A needs some lovin’
This just 26JAN22 popped up on my notifications. Whatever was ailing the unit seems to miraculously cured itself. Thank you for the response. ralph  
Do good power cords have to be stiff?
Simple answer… NO!    
Recommended USB Cables.
I bought a Phasure USB cable. Do not have much to compare it with. For sure better than what it replaced. Some respect shown on this site.  
The first system you had that was "high end/audiophile", by you standards
When I was 18 I moved out on my own (ok with a roommate)I had a decent job and bought the best system I could afford.Nikko receiver, realistic speakers, Garrard turntable with a Audio-Technica cartridge.Bedroom system. Sly’s “Sex Machine” Lol! 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
Simply based on the bottom tier Mojo-Audio DAC in my system I’d have to think the better DAC’s should be on anyone’s audition list. If I had the $$$ for sure one would be in my system.My server was built by Mojo and uses his Deja vu software. 
Whats playing on your system today?
Oscar Peterson TrioUltimate Oscar PetersonJust upgraded the usb cable. Phasure Lust^3👍👍👍 
Whats playing on your system today?
So far tonight, and it is album night,Donna KrallCowboy JunkiesDire StraightsEaglesRoy Orbison Jeff Beck 
Why has focal raised their prices so much on Sopra line
Do not buy them. That’s why capitalism exists. Competitive marketplace.  
Great Recordings, Sonically Speaking - and Why.
as I write Cassandra Wilson’s “Belly of the Sun” album is playing.I find the recording to be well done. 
Advice for upgrading my system
If the digital side is going to be considered, Mojo-Audio is an option that should not be overlooked.  
Amp recommendations for Spendor
I have D9’s in a smaller room. No problem.Powered by a Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 600.Heard them with the top of the line Chord integrated. If I had the $$$ the Chord would probably be in use.