Responses from hbarrel
R2R next? Don't like ESS I listened to a Topping E70 (AKM4499EX) at friend’s house. One very well may end up in my system. Would replace my Cary Xciter. | |
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard? In 1979 when John Cougar Mellencamp opened for Heart at Blossom Music Center. Heart did not have a good night. JCM made them look bad. | |
Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment Added Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables and Crystal Oval interconnects. First new cables in close to 25 years. Holy heck they had to make a difference. Hard not to.o | |
Should I give up on FM HD over the air ? and steam instead ? Yes | |
Fanfare FT-1A needs some lovin’ This just 26JAN22 popped up on my notifications. Whatever was ailing the unit seems to miraculously cured itself. Thank you for the response. ralph | |
Do good power cords have to be stiff? Simple answer… NO! | |
Recommended USB Cables. I bought a Phasure USB cable. Do not have much to compare it with. For sure better than what it replaced. Some respect shown on this site. | |
The first system you had that was "high end/audiophile", by you standards When I was 18 I moved out on my own (ok with a roommate)I had a decent job and bought the best system I could afford.Nikko receiver, realistic speakers, Garrard turntable with a Audio-Technica cartridge.Bedroom system. Sly’s “Sex Machine” Lol! | |
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000 Simply based on the bottom tier Mojo-Audio DAC in my system I’d have to think the better DAC’s should be on anyone’s audition list. If I had the $$$ for sure one would be in my system.My server was built by Mojo and uses his Deja vu software. | |
Whats playing on your system today? Oscar Peterson TrioUltimate Oscar PetersonJust upgraded the usb cable. Phasure Lust^3👍👍👍 | |
Whats playing on your system today? So far tonight, and it is album night,Donna KrallCowboy JunkiesDire StraightsEaglesRoy Orbison Jeff Beck | |
Why has focal raised their prices so much on Sopra line Do not buy them. That’s why capitalism exists. Competitive marketplace. | |
Great Recordings, Sonically Speaking - and Why. as I write Cassandra Wilson’s “Belly of the Sun” album is playing.I find the recording to be well done. | |
Advice for upgrading my system If the digital side is going to be considered, Mojo-Audio is an option that should not be overlooked. | |
Amp recommendations for Spendor I have D9’s in a smaller room. No problem.Powered by a Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 600.Heard them with the top of the line Chord integrated. If I had the $$$ the Chord would probably be in use. |