
Responses from hbarrel

Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD
Wonder how the Harbeth’s pair up with the Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista product line? 
How many of you are digital only systems?
All digital since the 90’s. About 15 yrs ago bought a used pro-ject turntable with the intention of rekindling the nostalgia of vinyl.It has never been out of the box. 
Best dac under $2500 - comparing build quality and technologies
It was at, upgraded, $2500.Mojo-Audio r2r Mystique 2  (USB only input) dang pretty nice.No longer shown available.   
Converting Flac to Wav & Upconversion
I was told jriver does a better job of transcribing FLAC vs Wav.Don’t know but the experiments will be oncoming. 
Do any of you kids , want your system ???
I have a great nephew that will get my system should I croak before being committed. Hopefully they commit me with my headphone amp and digital playback system.Ultimately I will be dead. And a materialistic, albeit cherished, bunch of stuff will p... 
Main vs. sub panel for dedicated lines
Run the lines from your properly grounded sub panel and be done with it. Buy hospital grade plugs.I think I ran 10 gauge. So long ago I don’t remember.I did put in a new grounding rod and a more robust grounding strap when I ran the dedicated line... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Aja (Steve Hoffman remaster)Across the Border (willie) 
Simaudio 680D?
Facten… this week I received a complete Mojo Audio front end.Mystique v2X DAC (updated), Illuminati power supply for an i5 NUC built by Mojo.Linux based, Dejavú software, jriver.Streaming currently is not a criteria for me, at all. But the softwar... 
Primaluna Prologue Premium CDP Heat Concerns
CD’s are made from polycarbonate. Which is an amorphous material. As long as disc remains at below 250 degrees F no damage should occur.Get over 300f… mmm blob of goo. 
Inheritance ($100K) with a caveat
Millercarbon… I probably do not understand the complete synergy of your system. But I have been a fan of Townsend products for a LONG time. I still have and use a Townsend audio platform from the 90’s. Only trouble is right now I’m have difficulti... 
I had a few drinks and bought some speakers
Hey hey… fifty years ago drinking and Realistic speakers went hand in hand. And maybe a visit to the bong a time or two, or three… 
Inheritance ($100K) with a caveat
Millercarbon… only trouble is MC did file for bankruptcy.But I like your system.only trouble is now I got to buy albums. Lol.no room for Townsend cabling. 
eBay / PayPal: Beware - enough is never enough.
If you have direct deposit from your employer… they have access to the account which your paycheck is deposited. So if an accounting error occurs ( they pay you too much, fat chance) they can recoup the overpayment. At least that was my understand... 
What is your favorite album cover?
Nazareth “Hair of the Dog” 
eBay / PayPal: Beware - enough is never enough.
I’ve dealt with eBay since the late 90’s. Without issue. But more and more horror stories are becoming fairly prevalent. Time for me to rethink the use of eBay and PayPal.