Responses from hbarrel
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE For 16 years I was perfectly happy with my Shahanian ARC speakers. They presented a nice sound stage, decent bass, and treble that was not brilliant. I could sit for long periods and never be annoyed.And were unobtrusive in terms taking up space. ... | |
Considering a POSSIBLE replacement for speakers. Opinions? There are so MANY great speakers available. As Jay says there is no perfect speaker. I dare say whatever speaker you buy will fill your needs. Provided they match up even half assed with what feeds them.In my case I made a road trip (7hrs) to hear... | |
Need emergency help please! You need to pair your phone with a different set of speakers and eliminate the phone as the problem.The phone says it is paired with the speakers? | |
Lack of popularity of Chord??? When I went to listen to the speakers I now have they were hooked to a top tier Chord amp. Nice. Then switched over to the Chord 3350 integrated. Nice! Had my integrated with me. While it was no slouch the shortfalls were quite evident.if I had th... | |
Poor grammar is disappointing and decidedly distracting in formal audio reviews. MC got it | |
Poor grammar is disappointing and decidedly distracting in formal audio reviews. I take greater umbrage with some of the folks they allow to speak into a microphone… and um, ah, do you know what I mean… | |
Best drink while listening to your rig? WhistlePig Boss Hog VI (in my dreams). Damn good stuff but beyond my means.Wild Turkey Rare Breed.A simple Tito’s and soda with a wedge of lemon and lime.A bottle of the champagne of beers… Miller High Life. | |
Recommended cheaper vintage SS Integrated Amps? From the 70’s… more people had receivers than amps, At least among my peer group.Nikko, Onkyo, Denon, Marantz, Pioneer (did they have the Quadraphonic system?) | |
BEWARE OF FRAUD with this member Road trip | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Best of JJ CaleDon HenleyAlbert Collins | |
Buying advice $66… buy them. If you don’t like them sell them. Regardless of what you resell them for the ouch will not be significant.YOUR ears are all that matter. Opinions will not answer your questions. | |
What Was Your Favorite “Game Changer” Moment? Biggest game changer… hands down no comparison, adding diffuser panels behind the speakers.. And one sound absorbing panel behind my head. Did more than any cable would think about doing. IMHO.Sound stage improvement. Brought the bass forward. Mel... | |
What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon??? Townsend isolation pods | |
British Integrated Amps Back in the 90’s… 35w AMC 30/30. I never had any problems. Sounded good with some Vanderstein 2’s. | |
Linear Power Supply and Roon Nucleus/SGC Mojo-Audio has one of his unit on the specials page…https://www.mojo-audio.com/used-illuminati-v3-power-supply/ |