Responses from hartf36
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps? And then, of course, there exists the prospect of overthinking things until..... | |
Upgrade path question with $2k to spend I, too, have a blended system, but my AVR is an older Denon AVR-X4000 (which was their flagship AVR at the time). The important thing is that your Yamaha appears to have pre-outs. I run my Denon pre-outs through a Parasound P5 preamp then to a B... | |
The magic of outdoor listening *simply DYING to hear a definition of "boomer rock".......* | |
Sad to say I need a new amp… FWIW, I'm still running my B&K EX-442 Sonata into Maggies and consider it anything BUT a "beater", and it's older than the ST3030. 350 wpc/4 ohm and high current (75 amp p-p), it's a beautiful-sounding amp and I feel zero need to replace or "... | |
Looking for Blues with High Fidelity +1 for ANY Robben Ford. +1 for "Dot.com Blues". +1 for Gary Moore I'd thrown in a suggestion for Coco Montoya (used to play drums for Albert Collins then went on to play guitar for John Mayall after being taught by Collins....). I'd further t... | |
Maggie 1.7i's lack detail. Ideas? I have a B&K EX-442 Sonata (it's "442", not "440", btw) running from a Parasound P5 preamp into a pair of Maggie MMGs (precursor to the LRS). My system sounds outstanding (I run CDs through either a Denon DVD-2900 or OPPO BDP-95) both connect... | |
For all you Bose 901 Haters! Magnepan’s don’t image well either | |
Those who seek to deny access to information | |
A Suggestion Regarding Removal Of Posts Geof3 deserves credit for his Shatner post.. | |
Buying refurbished gear.... I'd say it depends on the purveyor. | |
About users with hidden agendas | |
Speakers for daughter I have a pair of ELAC Debut 2.0 B6.2 in my office run through a Hafler DH-220 (w/Musical Concepts mods) and it sounds anything but torturous. I had Paradigm Atoms 30 years ago and they were good. I have Wharfedale Diamond 10.1s as well that I pe... | |
Michael Aday (Metloaf) has passed away. Thoughts and prayers.............? | |
Placement of Single Subwoofer Affecting Sound of Main Speakers FWIW..... I have my Rythmik F12G next to my left MMG in the exact spot #3. It is pretty much on the same plane as the mains, maybe a couple inches behind (sealed sub, about 8" from wall). I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll say it again because i... | |
Please recommend speakers I would have also given a +1 for the Maggie LRS, but it appears size matters. If I could take the bass from my Wharefdale Diamond 10.1s (currently back-benched) and put it into my ELAC Debut 2.0 B6.2 speakers that are in my office, I’d be able to... |