

Responses from hartf36

Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps?
And then, of course, there exists the prospect of overthinking things until.....  
Upgrade path question with $2k to spend
I, too, have a blended system, but my AVR is an older Denon AVR-X4000 (which was their flagship AVR at the time).  The important thing is that your Yamaha appears to have pre-outs.  I run my Denon pre-outs through a Parasound P5 preamp then to a B... 
The magic of outdoor listening
*simply DYING to hear a definition of "boomer rock".......*  
Sad to say I need a new amp…
FWIW, I'm still running my B&K EX-442 Sonata into Maggies and consider it anything BUT a "beater", and it's older than the ST3030.  350 wpc/4 ohm and high current (75 amp p-p), it's a beautiful-sounding amp and I feel zero need to replace or "... 
Looking for Blues with High Fidelity
+1 for ANY Robben Ford. +1 for "Dot.com Blues". +1 for Gary Moore  I'd thrown in a suggestion for Coco Montoya (used to play drums for Albert Collins then went on to play guitar for John Mayall after being taught by Collins....). I'd further t... 
Maggie 1.7i's lack detail. Ideas?
I have a B&K EX-442 Sonata (it's "442", not "440", btw) running from a Parasound P5 preamp into a pair of Maggie MMGs (precursor to the LRS).  My system sounds outstanding (I run CDs through either a Denon DVD-2900 or OPPO BDP-95) both connect... 
For all you Bose 901 Haters!
Magnepan’s don’t image well either   
Those who seek to deny access to information
A Suggestion Regarding Removal Of Posts
Geof3 deserves credit for his Shatner post..  
Buying refurbished gear....
I'd say it depends on the purveyor.  
About users with hidden agendas
Speakers for daughter
I have a pair of ELAC Debut 2.0 B6.2 in my office run through a Hafler DH-220 (w/Musical Concepts mods) and it sounds anything but torturous.  I had Paradigm Atoms 30 years ago and they were good.  I have Wharfedale Diamond 10.1s as well that I pe... 
Michael Aday (Metloaf) has passed away.
Thoughts and prayers.............?  
Placement of Single Subwoofer Affecting Sound of Main Speakers
FWIW..... I have my Rythmik F12G next to my left MMG in the exact spot #3. It is pretty much on the same plane as the mains, maybe a couple inches behind (sealed sub, about 8" from wall). I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll say it again because i... 
Please recommend speakers
I would have also given a +1 for the Maggie LRS, but it appears size matters. If I could take the bass from my Wharefdale Diamond 10.1s (currently back-benched) and put it into my ELAC Debut 2.0 B6.2 speakers that are in my office, I’d be able to...