Responses from hartf36
Is There Just One Single Album That Does It For You, Completely? Just One. Man. TOP'S "BTO" is a great album, no question. So is ABB'S Fillmore Concerts. Really good choices. As is Floyd's ubiquitous "DSOTM". But for me? When it comes to this list? Santana's "Moonflower" typically holdsat #2 to Steely Dan's "Aja"... | |
Rediscovery but I also have a multi CD player (Onkyo) which I load with a lot of music which I enjoy... Same here. I picked up a Pioneer 300 disc "jukebox" CD/DVD carousel to insert into my office system. I drew up an Excel spreadsheet with the CD names,... | |
magnepan Is the United States out of business? Close… Nah. When you owe the bank $100,000, the bank owns you. When you owe the bank $100,000,000.........you own the bank. | |
BEST little know Jazz Album that you ever heard? Charlie Haden "The Montreal Tapes with Don Cherry and Ed Blackwell" (one of several "Montreal Tapes" recordings). It's essentially the Ornette Coleman quartet without, well..........Ornette Coleman! They pull it off on a well-recorded piece that... | |
Pictures at an Exhibition I have a friend who plays guitar that will probably like to fool around with it. A lesson to read carefully. I play guitar as well, but never learned to sight read despite knowing the notes, the musical staff, etc. I wish your friend ALL th... | |
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system Funny that some think having an EQ isn't "audiophile" or that it adds something unnecessary to the audio chain... On the contrary, I'm inclined to DEFINE an "audiophile" as someone who, among other things, recognizes the utility of an EQ. | |
Anyone else using slugs instead of fuses? Comments on metals used and sound please I found some good sterling silver tubing from an online source to use in my Magnepan MMGs. I don't listen overly loud and I don't listen to music that could be considered "challenging" for this speaker (as in, primarily, anything heavy metal or r... | |
Pictures at an Exhibition If you’d like to hear a sonically spectacular version, Jean Guillou transcribed it for organ and it was recorded on the Dorian label. It will give your subs a workout. I love it. +1. "Gnomus" will tell you just how far your sub(s) REALLY go. 😉 | |
I won the stressless lottery Does it get any better than two fingers of The Macallan 25, a Fuente Eye Of The Shark, and a Stressless to enjoy them in.......? Except maybe a pound of coke and a 500-pound Thai hooker? I think not. | |
Question about suitable fuse metals The only fuse experimentations I've ever done are: When having to replace a fuse in my old (modded) Hafler DH220, I replaced the glass fuses with ceramic ones. Not audiophile fuses, just different material. I did, in fact, detect a slight dif... | |
Music that has a hold of me beyond understanding I feel this way about J.S. Bach. | |
Are your listening levels healthy? Doing damage? Can you recommend one for about $200 Plus calibration which I view as essential. Sorry for the delayed reply. I hope you see this, emergingsoul. I currently use a TSI/Quest Sound Examiner SE-402IS. I have a Quest QC-10 calibrator for it. My... | |
"The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down". Lots of people like the music of Mozart, yet Glenn Gould famously did not. J.S. Bach spoiled him for just about all other composers.😉 For I as well. Me, too. I've long told this story about J.S. Bach: When the Voyager spacecraft was launched ... | |
Are your listening levels healthy? Doing damage? Industrial hygienist here, very versed in the OSHA standards. 1. For a phone app, try the NIOSH app. Clearly not as good as a top shelf sound meter, but one we use if we don't have our "good" equipment with us just to screen sound levels. Phon... |