

Responses from hartf36

Magnepan LRS in the house!
This thread got me thinking about an upgrade to the LRS+ but Magnepan no longer has a trade-up program for for the MMG. 😥 However, for anyone wondering about the waiting period for the LRS+, it doesn't sound like anything close to 8 months, at le... 
Magnepan LRS in the house!
Yes, nice job @rbertalotto.  I am not a metalworker but do enjoy woodworking in my small basement shop.  So, I'm going to use some sturdy oak for my stands.  I don't think the angles in your design will work with wood though.  We'll see  Try Go... 
What is the forums opinion of SVS subs?
Before you purchase either a Rel or SVS, I would suggest looking at Rythmik.  +1  
Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ
Yet, americans are going about their lives as if nothing is going on, as the media and the politics are not letting them know how desperate things are. What makes you say that?  I talk to my fellow Americans (of all political persuasions) and I... 
Why does rock concert sound suck?
1981, Pontiac Silverdome (with it’s giant balloon of a roof). Iggy Pop / Santana / Rolling Stones Santana blew the roof off the place and actually managed to sound good, in that stadium. I’ve seen Santana literally dozens of times since about 19... 
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life?
Another who fell prey to the Maggies. Not sure, but I don’t think I’ve read the name "Ohm Walsh"......🤔  
Looking for good recordings of female vocals I have not yet tried...
Cassandra Wilson and Norah Jones, both on Blue Note Records (and in audiophile pressings by Analogue Productions). +1 (I'm partial to NJ's "Come Away With Me" and "The Fall"). +1 for Alison Krauss/US "Live".  Incredible recording and her voice... 
B&W 802 D2 Capacitors Worth Upgrading?
This site needs more threads like this.  No BS, just straight up (good) audio advice . Here's to Erik.  
Is blasphemous Music ok?
Organised religion is the single worst thing in the history of the world.  We all wish Mr Rushdie a return to good health. +1 Re: the history of the blues.... https://www.aaihs.org/the-historical-roots-of-blues-music/    
Politics and Music
With your opinion you will educate us on what he Trump did to be called a traitor ? Uhhh....................how about a very blatant, visible, attempted coup to steal the election and thwart the will of We, The People because his ego is so incr... 
What are we objectivists missing?
Perhaps everything we hear CAN be measured, but - clearly - not everything measured can be heard. Our individual ears, and brains, and personal listening spaces (including gear) are all............individual.  Simply put, we don't hear things the... 
What do you use to keep high gloss speakers clean?
Wizards Mist-N-Shine motorcycle detailer. You're welcome. 😏  
Your sub experience: Easy or hard?
One Rythmik F12G in between Maggie MMGs.  I recently added a small Miller & Kreisel K-9 in the corner opposite the Rythmik just to flesh out the sound throughout the room (it has one side open to the kitchen/dining room).   Only adjustment was... 
Best progressive rock album side
Drop the lifeline, step off the edge..... Godley & Creme's "Consequences".  Three LPs, take your pick of any side as far as "best".  Best listened to through good 'phones.  
Most Realistic Recordings
+1 for "Jazz At The Pawnshop".  A truly outstanding reference recording that is surely one of the best live music recordings ever.  If you want to know if your system can drop a vibraphone or clarinet into your listening room right in front of you...