

Responses from halcro

Phono cartridge advice
I don't know how you got the price for the Jico stylus to fit your Shure at £350.00 because Jico sell it direct for $211.00 for the SAS with other styli much much cheaperhttp://www.jico-stylus.com/index.php?cPath=18I highly recommend the SAS impla... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Hi Norm,Absolutely zero sound from my TT-101 and it's switched on 24/7.... 
Can I use a step up transformer?
But Master....it sounds so much better with the SUT.Grasshopper.....it only sounds better because of the colossal distortions.You need to eliminate all better-sounding equipment and insert ’finer’ pieces elsewhere in your system.But Master....how ... 
Equipment Rack
I have nothing personal against Robert and indeed he appears to be a nice guy...and maybe even a 'good' guy.What I object to, is the use of 'voodoo' science to prop up some ill-defined theory in audio.There is so much in this hobby of ours that is... 
Can I use a step up transformer?
One advantage of using an SUT (which I've never seen mentioned) is the ability to now alter the loading just as one can do with a MM cartridge.Because the SUT plugs into the MM input of the phonostage, I can dial in a Resistance anywhere from 10K ... 
Equipment Rack
Within our model the seismic energy has to rise up from the earth moving against the greater flow of energy established by geometry and material science that is rapidly moving downward supported by the laws of motion and gravity. We do not care wh... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Nice Post kmccarty.I also remember my listening experiences with the Rockport Sirius III which stunned me.Although there were problems in the lower registers (which may have been caused elsewhere in the system)....I too have never since heard the ... 
Can I use a step up transformer?
Of course there are pros and cons to both sides of the argument.I was happy with the inbuilt phono-stage of the Halcro DM10 (which was compared favourably to the Boulder 2008 in Stereophile) and never contemplated an SUT until I had the opportunit... 
What is more accurate: magnetic anti-skating, or barrel weight attached a fishline?
IMO the most accurate is able to deal with changing groove modulations and gradually increase force as it nears the inner grooves. This is basic physics; based on pivot arm design. Any out there that do this ? There are at least two that I know of... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
But I make my own recordings. I know what they sound like...I presume that applies to all recording engineers......? 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
Spot-on Inna and John.....I get to compare vintage to modern every day in both carshttp://i.imgur.com/ASYO1cY.jpgand audiohttp://i.imgur.com/ddKNHVx.jpgGive me vintage....😎🎼 
Settings on phono stage
Switch 6 is just giving you added capacitance which your cartridge may or may not need to sound it's best.Just listen but I doubt you'll hear much difference in which case leave it switched down. 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
With Mikey's clout, it would seem a no-brainer for him to have another Cobra arm-wand to mount his 'cartridge under review' and be able to swap easily to his 'reference cartridge' in the other arm-wand for instant comparisons...?I guess there is p... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
I totally agree Thuchan.http://i.imgur.com/r2AM7An.jpgIn fact out of the dozen or so arms I've had in my system (both vintage and modern) I'm prepared to say the Copperhead is the best on all types of cartridges,Tellingly......I've found that it's... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
Love it.Will it fit in my listening room...?🤔