

Responses from halcro

The Palladian-A step beyond
A pensive post Lewm..🤔And one which I think the 'High-End Cabal' (which includes reviewers) would like dismissed 🙈I have just today, conducted a mini-shoot-out between the Sony XL-55, Sony XL-88 (both renowned LOMCs from the Golden Age of analogue... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Thanks Richard,I think that makes sense....🤓 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Low compliance carts are stiffer, so it takes more effort to deflect the suspension when playing a record.Hang on......We've agreed that the deflection of the stylus at the groove is the same for high and low-compliance cartridges.Which means tha... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Fleib and Richard,If we agree that the movement is the same at the stylus for both high and low compliance cartridges......wouldn't the greater movement at the end of a high-compliance cantilever cause an equally larger reaction (Newton) which the... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
maybe the reason is down to incompatable effective mass of the arm cart combo?The FR-66s has the highest effective mass of any commercial tonearm produced.If there were no audible compatibility issues with it, plus its little brother FR-64s plus t... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
A stiffer cantilever suspension could well mean less cantilever movement and more tonearm vibration.That's what I think most folk believe, thus putting more stress in the tonearm......I'm still not totally convinced 🤔Surely attaching an accelerome... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Wouldn't the amplitude (movement) of the cantilever be the same for both families of cartridge?I see what you're saying Richard.....Of course the movement of the cantilever is governed by the groove modulation and not by the compliance.....Silly m... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
To divert a little.......It is widely accepted (even by some cartridge manufacturers) that a low-compliance cartridge puts more energy into the tonearm....My experiences through a dozen tonearms and over sixty cartridges of all types, show that hi... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Being able to unravel the Stephen Stills or Respighi implies omission, like the natural sounding presentation of a 103 with it's aluminum cantilever and conical tip. Always dangerous to speculate without hearing.....🚫A trait of someone south of th... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Halcro, did you try the Palladian in another arm? Dirk Sommer who wrote the HIFI Statement review used a Thales Simplicity and an Acoustical Systems Aquilar on a Brinkman LaGrange. He said the cart is his analog discovery of the year.Quite a stat... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
With some companies the name of the game is, 'whatever the market will bear'. I think with some cartridges the game may be even more sinister?There is a wealthy cabal of audiophiles worldwide, for whom the exclusivity that comes with 'high-cost'al... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
but that does not mean I think any phono cartridge is worth $10,000. +I agree Fleib....And when you think that there are now $15,000 cartridges in the market place, the days of $20,000 cartridges are fast approaching 😱When you consider that on the... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
I agree with Lewm that there are many ways of 'damping'....not only in relation to tonearms, headshells and cartridges but also platters, plinths, rooms, valves, casework and even cables.Unfortunately, because of the lack of financial return and t... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Last night I was listening to my SS re-tipped Grace Ruby, about a $600 total investment, and wondering whether and how, for example, a ZYX UNIverse will compare to it.Perhaps you may soon have the opportunity to compare Lewm...😀❓ 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Dear bluewolf,You seem like a reasonable, rational and personable kind of guy so I need to give you some history and advice about Raul.....😎It is best to ignore his Posts as any response, encourages him that someone....anyone.....is still reading ...