

Responses from halcro

Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
And I stand behind my "one set of ears" comment. As the original post is one's experience.As are most critical 'reviews', be they of films, cars, cameras, restaurants and yes......hi-fi.The important aspects to an individual review of 'anything' a... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Halcro, is this what you mean by “Are we living Dangerously”?Kinda....😩The TT-101 is just more complex electronically than any other deck I know of.I've never heard a 'hum' with mine however.Apart from replacing the electrolytic capacitors....the ... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
An impressive list of tables and arms Norm.....No shabby equipment there..😎👍Will be interesting to hear your impressions once your Victor is making music.....The Minus K is a good platform for any deck and will allow the TT-101 to shine. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Good choices mrubey,Both the Soundsmith and London Decca are not MM cartridges.I have a London Decca Reference which is superb but didn't want to recommend a cartridge which costs as much as some exotic LOMCs. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Welcome to the Thread mrubey.You raise an interesting question....or questions."Consensus"......hardly.Favourite CURRENT production HO cartridge....?Frankly....I haven't heard a current production MM cartridge that can play in the same sandpit as ... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Welcome to the TT-101 club Norm 👏It seems to be growing at a great rate....What table did you have before?I've listened extensively to a TT-71 mounted in a JVC wood plinth and whilst sounding good, it does not quite have the solidity of focus nor ... 
Calling All Analog Gurus! What to do about my vintage Signet TK7LCa?
Glad that the problem's solved Walter.I don't run my VTF above 1.2Gm for the 7CLa. You should try lowering below 1.5Gm.....Raul makes a valid point about Capacitance which you should try if it's easy to alter on your phono-stage and especially Res... 
Calling All Analog Gurus! What to do about my vintage Signet TK7LCa?
The Signet TK-7CLa is nearly my undefeated 'World Champ' cartridge (of any genre)...and has been for 5 years.The LAST word I would use to describe is "dull"...😱It is smooth, sharp, detailed yet relaxed, transparent, exciting, neutral and sublime.M... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Hi Fleib,Interesting point. Assuming the motor is still coupled with three rubber pads, it's not only the mass of the pod which resists motion, it's also the integrity of the coupling and mass of the motor unit insuring that resistance. I wonder ... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Hi Norm,When I first set up my Victor and armpods, I supported the turntable motor with its own metal shroud on Tiptoeshttp://i.imgur.com/Xp97BF8.jpgThis at first sounded better than most tables I had previously heard but I thought I could do bett... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Norman,I used to have my Victor installed in a stainless steel cradlehttp://i.imgur.com/2FH8xGR.jpgBut have since had a solid granite one madehttp://i.imgur.com/S97uGns.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/ddKNHVx.jpgThuchan had an identical cradle made from my ... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
The TT-101 was the greatest stand alone motor JVC/Victor ever produced.It was a professional Reference motor unit made to compete with the Technics SP10/III, the Pioneer Exclusive P3/P3a and the Kenwood L-07D.http://www.thevintageknob.org/jvc-TT-1... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
As I sit in my rocking chair in Sydney, I thank you Eckart for that extensive (and exhausting) comparative exercise.It would be invaluable to most of us who have never heard an EMT 927 or big Micro even…..to hear how the Japanese DD decks compare ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Glad to hear you like the V15/III/SAS Jeff, although I wouldn't go so far to describe the original V15/III as "boring...lifeless"?Perhaps there is something wrong with your original stylus?The substitution of the SAS on my V15/III added to the ref... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Hi Lew,Glad to hear that you are enjoying the Victor but tell me....can you really hear the differences between all your DD decks and if so....how are you able to separate out the cartridge/arm effects?Regards