

Responses from halcro

Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
I started this Thread over five years ago, bemoaning the imagined horror of being unable to keep our beloved vintage Japanese DD turntables functioning due to lack of parts……notably ‘chips’. I believe, in the course of the many Posts since…. we h... 
Recording quality...
The Palladian-A step beyond
It appears that titanium does possess some valuable qualities for audio reproduction.....at least in the turntable/tonearm/cartridge side of things.Your SpJ tonearm Thuchan, is a thing of beauty.Has Dietrich heard it with his Palladian cartridge y... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Good news folkfreak.....I'm wondering what material the spacer is made of......and if, perhaps, there may be some titanium screws within the package.....❓🤔 
Jico SAS vs Neo-SAS(S) vs Neo-SAS(R)
Didn't think to check resonant frequency Spencer.....Good idea...😎Will do it the next couple of days...RegardsHenry 
Jico SAS vs Neo-SAS(S) vs Neo-SAS(R)
Thanks Dave.Appreciate the feedback...😃RegardsHenry 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
If anyone has any experience on both Z1S & F-9E :What can I expect by changing from boron to sapphire?Since I’ve already have a (cantilever less) F-9E ,could it be wise to prefer the OCL? Is there any chance to possibly exceeds the Z1S ?Dear g... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
If however, you're not in the mood to 'end it all'.......his penultimate album 'Popular Problems' is a great antidote which sees Lenny in an upbeat (for him) mood with a solid 'bluesy' undercurrent.Great sound and recording as always.....😀 
The Palladian-A step beyond
I’ll confess to playing Cohen’s You Want It Darker LP during the Xmas afternoon celebration. It suited my holiday mood and, reflecting upon the profundity of his poetry, may not have been as incongruous to the occasion as one might think. Unfortun... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
So from audiophile classics to heavily produced digital early 80s country the Palladian pulls out the best in every recording. It also makes each recording sound completely different, seems very honest to the records and imposes none of its own ch... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Good to see you back here Geoch 😀Excellent choices of cartridges over the years.....I too am a big SAS fan having one in my Garrott P77, Victor Z1 and V15/III.I'm currently in the process of testing the differences between the original SAS, the Ne... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Thanks Chris...Are you sure you don't like L. Cohen....👀😱❓If you like the recording of Cohen's last album Thuchan......you must hear his triple Live London Concert....All his greatest songs with simply remarkable recording quality.Thank goodness 2... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
I have asked the Moderators for an explanation as to why some Posts are being deleted.It seems that someone (I wonder who) has 'flagged' this Thread so it is being monitored.It appears that 'terrorist' tactics by certain individuals, can be succes... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
We once bought a camel to keep our kangaroos company.....but the poor thing kept trying to come inside the house. 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Thanks for that Link Chris.Interesting to see.....although that dealer is in Queensland, nearly 1000 Kms north of Sydney 😝