

Responses from halcro

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I was offered that Technics Mk4 by the Dealer 2 days before it was listed and asked Raul if I should buy it?You see over the last 3 months I have been buying quite a bit of vintage stuff, TT-81, arms, cartridges, headshells etc and the few Dealers... 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
I understand you Nandric and appreciate your point.I too get emotional support from my music and I am particularly attached to The Beatles and their music so when an album of their's becomes more unlistenable the better my equipment becomes, I get... 
Nude Turntable Project
Bpoletti and Raul,Thanks for the kind words.Dear David,A lot of your questions can be answered by looking through my 'progress' postings on this site.You will see photos as I procured arms and cartridges and designed the arm-pods and then had them... 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
Dear Nandric,Can you be more specific in what these recordings show you and why they are a good test? 
Nude Turntable Project
Dear Ecir38,Thank you for your kind words and also the link to the info on the Micro tonearms.I find it frustrating to find any 'history' on all these vintage arms, turntables, and cartridges as I think Google does not include many Forums in its s... 
Nude Turntable Project
Dear Pryso,I'm sorry if it wasn't clear but in my Intro to this Project I provided a Link to my System Page where I stipulated that I would NOT be testing the TT-81 with a plinth. To quote......Now this will NOT be a scientific test in the sense t... 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
Another severe test for any system is the Mercury re-issue of Prokofiev's Love for Three Oranges Suite (SR-90006) 45RPM.Like most Mercury Recordings of the 'Golden Age', the highs are 'hot'.......very 'hot'.If your system can make this enjoyable (... 
Nude Turntable Project
Dear Cabbiendi and Nilthepill,Thank you so much for your kind words.Often it's difficult to know if anyone is reading this or is even interested, so your feed-back is very encouraging.Cheers 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I second the Raul approach.I've done it with a pair of Vandersteen 2 Wq subs.Before that I had a single REL Stadium II and ran it alongside my speakers running full range because the REL internal Xover was so destructive to the sound of my main sp... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Dgarretson,My phono stage only goes up to 60K Ohms so probably explains the 'muted' initial presentation. Thanks for explaining. I guess with so many cartridges to listen to, it also does not allow one to persist with break-in of an initially... 
Nude Turntable Project
These are the two turntables under review.TWO TURNTABLES Is the modern-day Raven with its three state-of-the-art modern arms, eight times better than the 30 year old Victor TT-81 with its three vintage arms?Not in my opinion.Is the modern-day big ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Tobes,Unfortunately, out of every arm I've tried (7), the Phantom is the most unhappy match for every high compliance MM I've used?If you think the P77 sounds ok in it, wait till you hear it in a better matched arm? You will simply not recogn... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Tobes and Headsnappin,The great cartridges are out there and it just takes some patience and constant monitoring on Ebay......but I know what you mean.Don't become discouraged because I've always been able to find what I wanted......for instanc... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Tobes,Good question..........one I was going to address on this Forum in a few weeks.However, I have been listening day and night to so many cartridges on so many arms on two tables that I feel comfortable about putting at least the Garrott P77... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Moops Shane......not Mooks!Sheeeeesh