

Responses from halcro

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,If I could resurrect the Azden from the crumpled mess left by my steel-capped hunting boots, it would be more miraculous than the resurrection of Lazarus? :-)) 
Removable headshells 101
Ecir38,I have used other headshells in the MA-505s arm with great success.At the moment the Yamamoto HS-1As is sounding particularly fine with the FR-5 MM cartridge mounted therein.The only problems I can see with the Micro tonearm is for heavy ca... 
Schröder Tonearm
Dear Nandric, some Aussie from some developing countryyou left out....'3rd world' :-)CheersHenry 
Removable headshells 101
Dear Dertonarm,Thank you for your recommendations.Interestingly, Audio Technica headshells I have experienced, frustrate me enormously.Firstly, their fixed mounting holes in lieu of slots, makes aligning the geometry of the cartridge a hit and mis... 
Removable headshells 101
Dear Raul,Thank you for your responses and trust.I also take with a large grain of salt the recommendations of most reviewers (except for perhaps Art Dudley & Arthur Salvatore) because their job effectively, is to promote new audio products.Th... 
Removable headshells 101
Dear Ramon,Thank you for your thoughts.I too am happy with the choices I have made thanks to the inspiration of many folk here on this site.CheersHenry 
Removable headshells 101
Greetings Professor (Timeltel),Good to see you here.I readily accept your experiences with headshells of differing materials.....and this is something we should all share.But it should not be a mystery? We know that differing materials perform dif... 
Removable headshells 101
Geoch,All good questions.I too had those questions when I was first deciding which headshells to buy and found there were no readily available sources which could answer?Hopefully we may uncover some of these answers in this thread? :-) 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Will do Dgob,But probably best to do it on the new thread Removable Headshells 101? 
Removable headshells 101
I'm surprised at Raul's response.Whilst I can appreciate that what he has experienced may indeed be true.......to then throw up his arms and state that he has no understanding of the reasons for the performance changes of various headshells is con... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
As MC is mentioned at the same time as MM in the subject of this ubiquitous thread, I think it is fair enough to compare some of the great MC cartridges to those newly discovered wonders of the vintage MM era?It certainly could give some 'referenc... 
Removable headshells 101
Timeltel has raised the subject of the rubber 'O' rings normally supplied between the headshell and the locking-collar of the tonearm.Fidelity Research abhors them and Yamamoto headshells also are supplied without.I have largely eschewed them with... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Amidst all the philosophy, Timeltel does a nice segue into headshell 'O' rings?I know Fidelity Research supplies none with their headshells and tonearms and even go to lengths to advise users of other headshells with FR arms to remove the 'O' ring... 
Your favourite cartridge
Good Lord.......do all the various Signet TK-7 models sound the same?Or are there levels of 'greatness'? 
Your favourite cartridge
I've had several of the cartridges mentioned and at one time would have voted the ZYX Universe as my favourite.......but time marches on......or in this case........backwards!My top 8 cartridges now are all vintage MMs from the 70s and 80s with th...