

Responses from halcro

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Arm/cart res freq is an overvalued aspect of the relationship. MOI (moment of inertia), bearing friction, damping are all of greater importance IMO. Arm design and energy transmission/dissipation, including relative mass of parts, is critical. I ... 
A $300-$400 turntable tweak
Thanks Jonathan,I have a 450gm centre clamp on my belt-drive Raven AC-3 and a 640gm clamp on the DD Victor TT-81.Both clamps seem to improve the sound but at least never do harm.Based on your impressions I shall continue to use them :-)Do you know... 
A $300-$400 turntable tweak
Interesting Jonathan,Have you also ever tried a peripheral rim weight?CheersHenry 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,I think that you and I are in agreement about the value of removing distortions throughout the analogue audio chain.As you imply......this is not as easy as it seems for often we unaware that in fact we have been happily listening to 'di... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Eckart,I'm so pleased you hear the Signet TK-7SU the same way many of us here, also do.I'm particularly pleased that this opinion of yours comes through hearing the cartridge via the most impressive collection of high-end components I think I... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Halcro: how compares against digital?Dear Raul,If your analogue sounds like digital........everything is clear to me :^) 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Every time I read a reviewers caveat about the latest component (cartridge, phono-stage, amp, cables, speaker) but mainly LOMCs and I see the phrase......"it highlights all the faults in the recording process so that many of your records will be r... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Come gather round you Signet TK-7 lovers [this is a Raul-free zone :^)]It was the erstwhile Professor (Timeltel) who introduced me the peerless Signet range of cartridges (essentially the TK-3, 5 & 7 series) for which I am eternally grateful.A... 
A $300-$400 turntable tweak
Oh come on Lew.......we have agreed on other occasions methinks :^) 
A $300-$400 turntable tweak
Hmmm.....interesting about centre clamps?I lived happily without one for 25 years on a Rega Planar 3 but have since tried one on both my turntables (Raven AC-3 and Victor TT-81).Whilst I cannot detect with any confidence any benefits to the centre... 
A $300-$400 turntable tweak
never occurred to me that the ring might be the culprit.Same here Nilthepill.I also left off the outer rim by chance because the inbuilt stylus guard on the Technics EPC-100Mk3 was scraping on it for the first few revolutions at the beginning of ... 
Micro Max 282 vs. Exclusive EA-10
Dear Raul,I must also be there to witness this listening session.......although it is not very fair.Thuchan has everything to lose but nothing to gain?Perhaps you need to bring the first production version of your new arm to 'forfeit' if you lose ... 
Micro Max 282 vs. Exclusive EA-10
Well I seem to have it over all of you as I was actually born in Bavaria......Bad Woerishofen to be exact.Do you know it Thuchan? 
A $300-$400 turntable tweak
I have only one record warped badly enough to cause mistracking on the leading few stanzas of Beethoven's 5th Piano Concerto (DGG).This would now be the only valid reason for me retrieving the rim- weight from the depths of my cupboards :-)YMMV,IM... 
Micro Max 282 vs. Exclusive EA-10
Dear Nandric,I think Raul is too occupied on the western front to launch any forays into Bavaria? :-)